Nevada’s education establishment wants to raise your property taxes — by a lot. Then, it wants you to pay more in sales tax.
“The Biden administration,” CNN reports, “is considering using outside firms to track extremist chatter by Americans online.”
Human nature has not changed, just circumstances
Is it just my perception, or is the cost of just about everything going up? Indeed, one of the most apparent increases for consumers has been the rising cost of a gallon of gas. Nationally, the Retail Gas Price (RTP) is at a current level of $2.94, up from $2.93 last week and up from $1.95 one year ago. The increase is up 0.20% from the previous week and 50.95% from one year ago.
President Biden’s practice is described as ‘political speak’
Opposing riots shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Unfortunately, depending on who the rioters are, it’s largely turned into one.
If the coronavirus “experts” had been honest, government wouldn’t be able to exert so much control.
The Nye County Board of County Commissioners’ vote last Tuesday to open up the county 100 percent and to essentially remove the mask mandate creates a predicament for businesses.
Unbeknownst to Nevada officials, the state has been conducting a natural experiment in public policy for many years now: What would happen if one of the state’s two main open-government laws had an enforcement mechanism and criminal penalties for government officials who violate the law, and the other one left malfeasors completely unmolested?