Crime Corner, Dec. 26

Man charged with neglect

Nevada to have stronger voice in nuke waste burial

WASHINGTON — Gov. Brian Sandoval and the federal government announced Tuesday they have reached an agreement giving the state a stronger voice over radioactive waste shipped into Nevada and buried in a landfill at the government’s national security site in Nye County.

Copper wire thefts cutting power, costing electric company big money

The theft of copper wire from utility lines has cost Valley Electric Association and their members approximately $100,000, officials announced at a regularly scheduled board meeting Tuesday.

Beatty bike trails feasibility study launched

The development of a mountain biking trail complex around Beatty took another step forward Dec. 16 as STORM-OV held what was billed as a “scoping meeting and feasibility launch.”

Chicken Ranch fire ripples through Nye County, region

The tale of the Chicken Ranch and its associated drama has been told in the 1985 best- selling book “The Nye County Brothel Wars” by Jane Kasindorf. Here I will briefly discuss some highlights not in last week’s column.

Are you ready for some healthy appetizers?

It’s nearly the end of the holiday season or as I like to call it; the season of sugar, butter and cream cheese.

A story of a father, son and the holiday ram

Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year, and as a holiday gift I’ll give you this, one of my favorite stories from the recently published “Sportsman’s Quest Book.”

Co-op again offering Christmas tree recycling

It’s that time of year again: what to do with that dying Christmas tree eating up space in your living room, dropping pine needles everywhere.

Letter to the Editor

‘Will you ever stop telling lies Maurizio?’

Sports Corner

The Pahrump Valley 500 Club, a bowling club at the Pahrump Valley Nugget, donated $345 to the Nye County Animal Shelter on Dec. 13. It was their annual Christmas donation.

Teaching about life altering changes of returning vets

The legislative chair of the Society of Military Widows, Nevada’s Janet Snyder, who is well-versed on local veterans issues and who travels around the country gathering information and promoting legislation that helps SMU members and veterans in general.

Senior News

Pahrump Senior Center

Las Vegas think tank seeks to breach left-right divide

Nevada Policy Research Institute President Andy Matthews visited Pahrump on Friday to gain a clearer understanding of issues of importance to local taxpayers.

The jury’s still out on fracking

Last week there was an auction at the U.S. Bureau of Land Management office in Reno of public land parcels in Nevada for oil and gas exploration, an auction that raised concerns among opponents of fracking.

Amodei in lively feud with feds over sage grouse

U.S. Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell have a pretty lively feud going over the sage grouse.

Special needs awareness raised with equine therapy

Erica Johnston of RNG Farms hosted a Christmas-themed riding party for individuals with special needs Saturday.

NRC finds hole in Yucca Mountain bid

WASHINGTON — Federal safety analysts have found a flaw in the plan to bury nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain — the government does not have the necessary water rights to operate at the Nevada site.

Republicans honor long-time member with re-named award

The Nye County Republican Central Committee honored long-time party-member Alice Rhea by re-naming an award in her honor at their monthly meeting on Saturday.

IN PROFILE: Shannon Jensen


WRESTLING: Trojans finish 19th overall out of 74 at Las Vegas Holiday Classic

Friday and Saturday eight elite Trojan wrestlers participated in an annual nationwide 74-team wrestling event at the Las Vegas Convention Center, which is known as the Las Vegas Holiday Classic. Teams of all divisions across the nation, and as far as Washington D.C., participated in the event.

BASKETBALL: Nye County weekly roundup

The Lady Trojans dropped a home game to Sierra Vista last Friday 42-33 before the holiday break. The Trojans (1-7 overall, 0-2 Sunset League) out-hustled the Mountain Lions (3-7 overall, 1-2 Sunset League) in every category but the one that counts, scoring.

Community organization offering Christmas meal

Local individuals and families wishing to share in the holiday spirit with the company of others on Christmas Day, may do so again this year.

Letter to the Editor

CASA thanks community for holiday spirit

Fatal accident near Blue Diamond cuts off highway

Afternoon rush hour traffic was at a standstill following a fatal accident involving at least seven motorcycles and a passenger vehicle just after 1:40 p.m., on Friday afternoon.

Rotary provides families a warm meal, gifts

A warm meal, good fellowship and gifts were the order of the day for Pahrump Rotary Club’s Giving Day on Sunday.

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