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DMV upgrade could cost Nevada extra $300M amid rollout woes

The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles’ modernization of its computer system could take longer than anticipated and cost the state more than $300 million in additional funding.

MYERS: Their bigotry, our country

In 1972 Congress approved and sent to the state legislatures an amendment to the United States Constitution giving women legal equality before the law. It was called the Equal Rights Amendment.

MUTH: Nevada’s ‘Mitt Romney’ suits up to choke once again

OK, if you you’ve got joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart that Sharron Angle decided to run for the United States Senate again this year, well, you probably ought to just stop reading RIGHT NOW.

OPINION: Terror, disgust should not prompt quick limits on freedoms

Apple might become irrelevant, for the moment, in the FBI’s attempts to pry data from a terrorist’s iPhone, but not so the privacy issues raised by the legal collision involved.

HUSTED: Innovation helps keep electric rates down

Since the Valley Electric Board likely will consider a rate increase later this year, I thought it might help if I shared with you some of the things VEA has been doing since 2010 to keep the rates stable through the worst recession in Nevada’s history.

HAFEN: Viewpoint distorts the fact about the water supply and safety

In the March 17, 2016 issue of The Mirror, Dave Caudle had published an “Open letter on Pahrump’s water” and had a Special to the Pahrump Valley Times titled “Read water article with open mind, not as gospel” published in the March 18, 2016 issue of the Pahrump Valley Times.

KNAPP: Obama Visits Havana: Cuba Libre for Real?

U.S. President Barack Obama’s late March visit to Cuba, continuing his initiative to re-establish friendly relations between the two countries, arouses opposition on both sides of the aisle in Washington.

Letters to the editor

Administrator answers request for governor’s help for Tonopah

KNAPP: Election 2016: They Don’t Own Your Vote

With large blocs of Republican and Democratic voters vowing to abandon their parties rather than vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in November — and in the GOP, even some party establishment figures mulling an alternative ticket if Trump takes the nomination — the “wasted vote” argument is peaking earlier than usual this year.

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