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Need a Real ID? Time is running out to get one in Nevada

To meet federal requirements, Real IDs will be needed for anyone looking to use their driver’s license to get through security at airports for domestic flights nationwide.

Lombardo violated ethics laws, state commission executive director says

The state ethics commission’s executive director accuses Gov. Joe Lombardo of committing multiple ethics violations, including misusing his badge and uniform while campaigning for governor.

Capital projects budget approved during special session

Nevada lawmakers voted to send a budget bill to Gov. Joe Lombardo’s desk late Tuesday night, following a brief special session.

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Rising home prices ‘not sustainable’

Fewer homes for sale in Pahrump; median list price in February was $340k.

Bob Herbert remembered as ‘patriarch of the Guard in Nevada’

A Saturday memorial ceremony in Las Vegas honored the service of longtime Nevada Army National Guard leader Bob Herbert, who was also an aide to then-Sen. Harry Reid. Herbert died Sept 24.

Nevada reaches new milestone in coronavirus-related deaths

Public health officials in Nevada reported 26 new coronavirus-related deaths Friday, pushing the state’s pandemic death toll past 6,000.

Mother of child found dead near Las Vegas arrested

The mother of a 7-year-old boy whose body was found in Mountain Springs has been arrested in Denver, Las Vegas police said.

Nevada organ donor group blasted for VGK, Raiders season tickets

A congressional inquiry into the organ transplant industry criticized the Nevada Donor Network for purchasing the tickets and funding board retreats to California wine country.

‘It’s insurrection’: Trump supporters temporarily overtake Capitol

A date that in past years has marked the routine, peaceful transfer of power turned into an ugly assault by rioters who were carrying Trump signs and surrounding the Capitol as violence broke out.

Victor Joecks: Democrats want new taxes without a two-thirds vote

Some Nevada Democrats aren’t satisfied with having a Democrat governor and large legislative majorities. They also want to ignore the constitution to make it easier to raise taxes.

Victor Joecks: Heritage Foundation legal expert offers insights

Brett Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice. He has more of a defined approach to the Constitution than Justice Anthony Kennedy, but it’s not possible to say how he’d rule in a case seeking to overturn Roe v. Wade. That’s all according to Thomas Jedding, senior legal fellow with the free-market Heritage Foundation.