In Profile: Patty Vinikow
“Detox Detective”
for Women
Classes at: Back to Roots, Pahrump Community Library
and homes
775- 727-7338
Age: Eternally Youthful
Background: “I am a professional musician and educator from the Pacific Northwest. Chronic fatigue held me hostage until I learned to remove toxicity from my environment. Women especially face challenges in today’s increasingly toxic world. I love sharing strategies that can be implemented from Day One. Small, fun and informal groups offer potentially life-changing opportunities.”
Personal: “I live what I advocate. My motto is: “Life Without Horses? I Don’t Think So!”
First Job: “Giving clarinet lessons.”
Business Climate: “This is my first year in Pahrump. I’m amazed how many people care about health and wellness issues. Women want to protect themselves and loved ones, but aren’t sure how to proceed. Although I have over 15 years of legitimate research in my Detox Detective arsenal, I am not a medical professional and do not give medical advice. Please call or email, classes start soon!”
The business profile is a free service that the Times provides to the business community. If you would like to be profiled, contact Vern Hee at or call 775-727-5102, ext. 13.