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Divas on a Dime: For Father’s Day brunch – Mancakes!

Can we make Father’s Day brunch a thing? The holiday is usually all about the barbecue and the steaks and burgers (not that that’s a bad thing) but can we make the man some brunch? Why do the moms get all the brunch?

That said, we need a special recipe that suits the occasion. Something manly, masculine, dare I say – macho? Leave the mimosas and Crepes Suzette for another day and make the dude some Mancakes!

This has got to be one of the most gentlemanly recipes I’ve ever written. Listen to this: easy pancakes made with dark beer, orange-glazed bacon, bourbon vanilla crème topped with bourbon maple syrup. If that doesn’t make dad feel like a king, I don’t know what will.

Before you say it – I’m not trying to clog the arteries of all the fathers out there. Holidays are times for special occasion food. We don’t eat this way every day but when we do, whoa Nellie! By the way, this boozy brunch won’t leave you blotto. Most of the alcohol will be cooked out of everything, leaving only the complex flavors behind.


Yield – 14 normal pancakes or 7 in my world, with accompaniment

What You’ll Need:

For the Bourbon Maple Sauce

1 cup maple syrup or pancake syrup

1/2 cup bourbon

2 tablespoons butter

For the Orange-Glazed Bacon

¼ cup orange marmalade

1 lb. bacon

tablespoon brown or demerara sugar

For the Bourbon Vanilla Crème

4 oz. cream cheese – room temperature

1 cup heavy whipping cream

3 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 tablespoon bourbon - optional

For the Beer Mancakes:

2 cups pancake mix (like Bisquick)

1 cup of your favorite dark, stout or nonalcoholic beer

2 eggs

Here’s How:

Heat maple syrup and bourbon in a saucepan over medium-high until boiling. Reduce heat to a low simmer while you make everything else.

In a small bowl, heat the marmalade and a tablespoon water in the microwave until melted. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Brush bacon strips with marmalade and sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 400°F for 20 to 25 minutes or until bacon is crispy.

Whip the cream cheese with a hand mixer until fluffy. Gradually add the whipping cream and continue to beat until it has a mousse-like consistency. Add sugar, vanilla and bourbon and give it one last whirl.

Follow the instructions on the pancake mix replacing the milk with beer. Cook on a lightly greased griddle or pan for 2-3 minutes per side. Extra credit if you use some bacon drippings.

To serve, stack pancakes with strips of bacon and crème and drizzle with the maple syrup.

To really make dad feel like a king, have the kiddies make a crown out of construction paper and find a sheet for a royal cape and dub him King Couch Potato. Set him on his favorite chair, give him the television clicker and keep a six-pack on ice within easy reach. For more frugal and fabulous Father’s Day ideas go to our website – www.divasonadime.com

All of us at Divas On A Dime wish all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day!

Frugal Festivity contributed by Patti Diamond from Divas On A Dime – Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! www.divasonadime.com Join us on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom.

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