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Divas: There’s a secret to cooking London broil

At least once a week I get an email like this: “My family loves a good steak but it’s out of our budget. When I buy cheaper steak, like London broil, it always turns out tough and chewy. Is there a way to cook London broil and have it turn out tender and juicy?”

I’m glad you asked!

First, let me say this for the “uber foodies”; London broil is a cooking technique, not actually a cut of meat. And now we may proceed.

Often on sale for under $3 a pound, the cut labeled London Broil is usually a top round steak. You can’t just toss it on the grill like a tender steak because London broil needs a little more love.

This cut is long and lean and chews like shoe leather if not properly prepared. If you like your beef well done, London broil probably won’t make you happy. But if you like your steak rare, this is very much worth the effort.

Here’s the secret: Marinate the steak overnight in a marinade that contains salt, sugar and an acid. The easiest marinade is a cup of bottled Italian dressing. Then let the steak come to room temperature before you cook it. Don’t cook it beyond medium rare. Let it rest for 10 minutes then thinly slice cooked steak across the grain so it’s easier to chew. That’s it!

You can pan fry or broil London broil. Just be sure you preheat your pan or oven until very hot to get a good sear. For this ultimate recipe, we’re going to BBQ.

London Broil ala Diva

What You’ll Need:

For the Marinade:

¼ cup soy sauce

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

¼ cup olive or vegetable oil

1 ½ tablespoons brown sugar

1 teaspoon fresh ginger - grated

2 teaspoons garlic - minced

½ cup hot water

1 (2 to 3 pound) London Broil

For Garlic Butter

½ cup butter – softened

1 tablespoon garlic – minced

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

Here’s How:

Combine marinade ingredients in a zip-top bag. Add the meat, pressing out excess air. Marinate refrigerated four hours, or preferably overnight.

Combine ingredients for garlic butter and refrigerate.

Allow the meat to come to room temperature. Drain and discard the marinade.

Get the grill screaming hot. Place your steak on the grill and don’t touch it for three minutes. You’re after those crosshatch grill marks. Turn the steak a quarter turn (don’t flip it over) and grill three to five minutes more. Repeat on the second side, 12 to 18 minutes total, adjusting for the thickness of your steak.

Check for doneness using a meat thermometer looking for a temperature of 120 degrees to 130 degrees. It will rise to 140 degrees as it rests.

Let it rest 10 minutes before thinly slicing and serve it with a pat of garlic butter. Bask in your Diva glory.

Diva Tip: When London Broil is on sale, stock up. Put the marinade and the steak in a zip-top bag and pop it in the freezer. The steak will marinate while it defrosts.

Fabulous Food contributed by Patti Diamond from Divas On A Dime – Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! - www.divasonadime.com Join us on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom.

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