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Entertainment Schedule

Live Music


• Derek Jordan, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Off 160 Coffee House, 1330 S. Highway 160, 764-1197.


• Eric Stillman, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Off 160 Coffee House, 1330 S. Highway 160, Beverly Plaza, 764-1197.


• Gary Fox, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Off 160 Coffee House, 1330 S. Highway 160, 764-1197.


• Monte Nowland on the piano, 5 to 10 p.m., Stockman’s Steakhouse Lounge, Pahrump Nugget, 751-6500.


• Randy Anderson Band, 7 p.m. to midnight, Pahrump Nugget Stagebar Lounge, 751-6500.

• Cole Reeves, 8 p.m., Maverick Saloon & Dance Hall, 340 E. Mesquite Ave., 751-9988.


• Randy Anderson Band, 7 p.m. to midnight, Pahrump Nugget Stagebar Lounge, 751-6500.

• Cole Reeves, 8 p.m., Maverick Saloon & Dance Hall, 340 E. Mesquite Ave., 751-9988.

• Jimmy “D” and the Howlin’ Dawgs, 7 p.m., Karma’s Saloon, 2730 N. Blagg Road, 727-3820.

• Tru Blu, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Off 160 Coffee House, 1330 S. Highway 160, 764-1197.


• Wednesday, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., VFW, 4651 S. Homestead Road, 727-6072.

• Friday, 7 p.m., Saturdays 8 p.m., The Hideaway, 4760 S. Pahrump Valley Blvd., 751-1425.

• Thursday and Saturday 7 to midnight, Tumbleweed Tavern, 2030 W. Bell Vista, 727-1100.

• Thursday through Saturday, 7 p.m., American Bar, 1330 Calvada Blvd., 537-1555.

• Saturday, 7-11 p.m., Arnie’s Cocktail Lounge, 1141 S. Highway 160, 727-5554.

• Monday-Saturday, 8 p.m., Paddy’s Pub, 1700 S. Pahrump Valley Blvd., 727-6676.

• Sunday through Saturday, 7 p.m., Sullivan’s Pub, 2450 W. Mesquite Ave., 727-0858.

• Thursday through Saturday, 7 p.m., Who’s Dunes, 900 E. Highway 372, 751-1310.

• Friday and Saturday, 7 p.m., StageStop Lounge and Casino, 100 W. Stagecoach Road at Blagg, 727-7300.

• Monday, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday, 7 to 11 p.m., Maverick Saloon and Dance Hall, 340 E. Mesquite Ave., 751-9988.

• Saturday, 8 p.m., The Coyote’s Den, 3971 E. Kellogg Road, 727-5233.

• Thursday, 7 p.m., Karma’s Saloon, 2730 N. Blagg Road, 727-3820.

Disc Jockey

• Tuesday through Saturday, 8 p.m., Paddy’s Pub, 1700 S. Pahrump Valley Blvd., 727-6676.

• Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 p.m., Maverick Saloon & Dance Hall, 340 E. Mesquite Ave., 751-9988.

• Friday, 8 p.m., Coyote’s Den, 3971 E. Kellogg Road, 727-5233.

Ladies Night

• Wednesday, Paddy’s Pub, 7 p.m. 1700 S. Pahrump Valley Blvd., 727-6676.

• Tuesday, 8 p.m. to close, American Bar, 1330 Calvada Blvd., 537-1555.

• Thursday, 7 p.m., Wulfy’s, Highway 160, 537-1111.

• Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Maverick Saloon & Dance Hall, 340 E. Mesquite Ave., 751-9988.

Art Exhibits

• Pahrump Community Library, Princy Simonsen, through Oct. 18.

• Nye County Courthouse Gallery, “Black & White” through Oct. 11.

• Pahrump Art Gallery at Chapter Two Bookstore, seven local artists, through Sept. 30.

• Wine Ridge RV, open show through Oct. 18.


Trivia with Russ

• Tuesday, 7-9 p.m., Paddy’s Pub, 1700 S. Pahrump Valley Blvd., 727-6676.

Line Dancing

•Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 5 p.m., Maverick Saloon & Dance Hall, 340 E. Mesquite Ave. 751-9988.

Couples Dance Lessons

• Friday, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Maverick Saloon & Dance Hall, 340 E. Mesquite Ave., 751-9988.

Bike & Burger Night

• Mondays 5 p.m. Short Branch Saloon, Crystal, 775-372-1717.


• Friday, 6 to 9 p.m., Off 160 Coffee House, 1330 S. Highway 160, Beverly Plaza, 764-1197.

Rec Room

• Mondays, 6:30 p.m., games, music, Off 160 Coffee House, 1330, S. Highway 160, in Beverly Plaza, 764-1197.

Tribute to Michael Frasher

• Friday, 7:30 p.m., Barbara Bell musical tribute, Stagestop Lounge & Casino, 100 Stagecoach Road, 727-7300.

UNCE ‘Preservation 101” Classes

• Thursday, Oct. 17, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., “Under Pressure,” cost is $18, UNCE offices, 1651 E. Calvada Blvd., 727-5532.

Bordello Run

• Saturday, registration from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Red Rock Harley-Davidson in Las Vegas, $30 per rider, includes a barbecue at the Short Branch in Crystal at the end of the run, 775-372-1717 .

‘Laughing Under the Stars’

• Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Kiwanis fundraiser, doors open at 6 p.m., tickets are $20, Sanders Family Winery, Kellogg Road, 727-1776.

Blood Drive

• Friday, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon, Pahrump Senior Center, 1370 W. Basin Ave., 877-827-4376.

Town Clean-up

• Saturday, sign up at begins at 7 a.m. at NyECC Campus on Wilson Road, collection times from 7 a.m. to noon.

Chris Boni Benefit

• Saturday, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., spaghetti dinner and outdoor concert by the Wretched Soul Kids, 751-9988.

Writer’s Circle

• Saturday, 10 a.m. to noon, Off 160 Coffee House, 1330 S. Highway 160, 764-1197.

Bark for Life

• Saturday, 8 a.m. registration, 9 a.m. contests begin, Petrack Park-Field A, benefits the American Cancer Society, $10 entry fee for each dog, 513-9876.

Pahrump Model Railroad Club brings smiles to many faces

A small club in Pahrump is bringing local kids and adults smiles with their model trains, making the countless horus of work worth it for the participats.

GALLERY: Homeschoolers come together at Steampunk Soiree dance

Homeschool students of Pahrump and the surrounding areas were invited to celebrate the start of a brand new school year with their very own homecoming dance — the Steampunk Soiree.

GALLERY: See photos from Pahrump’s Purple Heart Day

Military service often comes with sacrifice and National Purple Heart Day is intended to honor those who have suffered wounds or made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives in defense of America.

GALLERY: Helen Keller Days raises $2k for local Federation of the Blind Chapter

The 2nd Annual Helen Keller Days took place with members of the Southern Nye County Chapter of the Federation of the Blind coming together with community supporters for an afternoon of fun and excitement, all in the name of fundraising.

Bang for your buck: Where to buy fireworks

Nye County is known for its many fireworks stores that typically peak around the Fourth of July holiday. If you’re looking to stock up on fireworks check out these local retailers:

  • Alamo Fireworks Megastore, 5360 US-95, Amargosa Valley
  • Area 51 Fireworks, 1381 Highway 372
  • Blackjack Fireworks, 1181 S. Highway 160
  • Phantom Fireworks of Pahrump, 921 S. Highway 160, Suite 501
  • Red Apple Fireworks, 3640 S. Highway 160
  • Outlaw Pyro, 2280 W. Betty Ave.
GALLERY: How Pahrump marked Juneteenth

Several members of the community met at the Black Cow’s open-mic session on Wednesday evening, followed by a candlelight vigil at the corner of Highway 160 and Basin Avenue in the Petrack Park parking lot. Hymns and songs of freedom were sung by the group to mark Juneteenth in Pahrump for the fourth year since President Joe Biden signed the nation’s newest holiday into law in 2021.