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Alcohol suspected factor in three-vehicle accident

Alcohol is suspected as a factor in a three-vehicle accident along Highway 160 just north of Calvada Boulevard late Wednesday evening.

Two people were transported to the hospital, one with critical injuries, according to state law enforcement.

Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Loy Hixon said two late model vehicles traveling along Highway 160 just before 10 p.m. collided head-on, striking a third vehicle on that stretch of highway. Hixon said the collision was that of a high impact nature.

Hixon said the two vehicles initially involved were a Toyota Tacoma pickup and a four-door Saturn. The third vehicle, a Chevy sedan, was also involved and happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, he said.

Hixon noted that the Saturn was heading northbound on the highway when it inexplicably veered into the southbound lanes striking the pickup truck, which in turn, hit the Chevy sedan.

A occupant in the pickup sustained injuries and was transported to Desert View Hospital.

Hixon said the initial investigation showed the driver in the Saturn was under the influence of alcohol when the car collided into the pickup.

The driver sustained critical injuries and was transported to University Medical Center in Las Vegas.

“We suspect that alcohol played a factor,” he said. “The (driver) that crossed over the highway, we suspect that alcohol impairment played a factor in the accident.”

Pahrump Valley Fire and Rescue Chief Scott Lewis said crews were dispatched to the scene within minutes after the crash.

“One person was reported as entrapped and crews extricated that individual,” he said. “Air flight was unavailable, so they were transported to the local hospital. It was my understanding that the injuries were critical.”

Lewis said troopers with Nevada Highway Patrol and the Nye County Sheriff’s Office are performing the initial investigation as to the cause of the accident.

“We provided patient care, extrication and helped to manage the lighting for the scene’s investigation until about midnight,” Lewis said.

Former officials weigh interest in town board

Pahrump voters approved the proposal to disband the town board by a 7,294 to 7,063 margin in 2012.

Letters to the Editor

It is possible that many residents have forgotten why we no longer have an elected town board. Let me refresh your collective memories.