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Area streets named in county chip seal program

The notice of proceed was given to Wulfenstein Construction this week to begin the annual Pahrump chip and fog seal program, which means work will begin within 10 days.

County commissioners May 6 awarded a contract to Wulfenstein Construction, the lowest of three bidders, with a quote of $628,308. The 2014 chip seal program will target 15.4 miles of road. The county is paying for $500,000 of the cost from a capital project fund built up by the Payment Equal to Taxes for the Yucca Mountain project and additional money from the Secure Rural Schools program given to the county by the U.S. Forest Service.

Here is a list of Pahrump street segments scheduled under the current chip seal program, in alphabetical order:

Arado Lane from Cortina St. to the end

Betty Ave. from Blagg Rd. to Central Ave.

Betty Ave. from Leslie St. to Barney St.

Blanchard St. from Corbin St. to Bannavitch St.

Blosser Ranch Rd. from Highway 160 to Natalia Lane

Blue Lane from Yavapai Lane to the end

Bond St. from Homestead Rd. to Oakridge Ave.

Bourbon St. from Pahrump Valley Blvd. to the end

Brents St. from Steven Ave. to Kenny Ave.

Camellia St. from Homestead Rd. to Gardenia St.

Central Ave. from Betty Ave. to Gemini Dr.

Corbin St. from Forest Rd. to Flamingo Rd.

Cortina St. from Pampa Ave. to Rainbow Ave.

Dyer Ct. from Woodchips Rd. to the end

Elvira Rd. from Corbin St.to Bannavitch St.

Fairway St. from Upland Ave. to the end

Fontana St. from Yakima Ave. to Rodeo Ave.

Ford Loop from Charleston Park Ave. to Charleston Park Ave.

Forest Rd. from Corbin St. to Bannavitch St.

Gardenia St. from Fuchsia St. to Silver St.

Gypsy Lane from Imperial Place to Itasca Place

Hafen Ranch Rd. from Indian Reservation Rd. to Thorne Dr.

Hiawatha St. from Dandelion St. to the end

Highland Ave. from Dandelion St. to the end

Imperial Place from Kilty St. to Gypsy Ln.

Jaybird St. from Bannavitch St. to the end

Joy Lane from Margaret St. to the end

Kenny Ave. from Brents St. to the end

Kilty St. from Linda St. to Imperial Place

Kismet St. from Blagg Rd. to Central Ave.

Laguna St. from Pahrump Valley Blvd. to the end East

Magnet Rd. Corbin St. Bannavitch St.

Margaret St. from Judy Dr. to Joy Ln.

Mariposa St. from Jaybird St. to Cavalry St.

Moapa St. from Z St. to Murphy St.

Murphy St. from Highway 372 to Moapa St.

Naylor Place from Interceptor Dr. to the end

Oakley St. from Malibou Ave. to Lookout Ave.

Omaha Ave. from Mescalero Ave. to Acoma Ave.

Omaha Ave. from the end of the chip seal to Cortina St.

Park Retiro from Highway 160 to Carizzo Ln.

Raindance Dr. from the end of chip seal to the end of pavement

Ricksue St. from Timberline Dr. to Linda St.

Ronnie Rd. from Harris Farm Rd. to Stevens Ave.

Santovito St. from Hafen Ranch Rd. to the end

Slater Cr. from Wilson Rd. to the end

Sloan St. from Ronnie Rd. to Ruth Rd.

Steven Ave. from Ronnie Rd. to Brents St.

Tiger Rd. from Corbin St. to Bannavitch St.

Timberline Dr. from Ricksue St. to Annie Ave.

Vicki Ann Dr. from Bond St. to Thorne Dr.

Yavapai Lane from Cortina St. to Havasu St.

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