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Final county budget up for adoption Monday

The final fiscal year 2014-15 budget will be up for adoption when Nye County Commissioners meet at 10 a.m. Monday at commissioners’ chambers, 2100 Walt Williams Dr. in Pahrump.

The meeting is held on Monday instead of the usual meeting time on Tuesday, as the county is required by state law to adopt a final budget on the third Monday in May. Projections during the first budget hearing were the county faces a $3.5 million deficit. In another agenda item, commissioners will vote on a tax rate for the University of Nevada, Reno Cooperative Extension Service.

Commissioners will consider appointing an interim comptroller to replace Susan Paprocki who resigned effective Monday.

In other business, a development agreement with Spring Mountain Raceway LLC will be up for adoption in an item scheduled for 11 a.m. Raceway owners need to build a water and sewer plant to serve a planned residential and commercial subdivision. They have offered to donate the facilities to Nye County and build the sewer plant on the site of the proposed Pahrump Fairgrounds. In a related item, owners have requested a master plan amendment and zone change from heavy industrial to a mixed use zoning district with a special projects overlay zone.

Amendments to zoning ordinances on medical marijuana are on the agenda, one that would set up a special use permit for applicants hoping to open medical marijuana establishments and another that will allow patients growing their own pot to continue to grow it even if they’re within 25 miles of a dispensary, in apparent contradiction of a new state law. Commissioners are also scheduled to discuss the selection process for medical marijuana growing facilities and the dispensary.

Other planning bills that are up for adoption outline the procedures to appeal land use decisions, allow the use of alternative paving materials and reduce the separation between residences and accessory structures.

Commissioners will consider a resolution amending the policy on invocations before meetings. Another resolution asks newly-appointed U.S. Bureau of Land Management Director Neil Kornze to meet with county commissioners in Nevada.

The removal of two members of the Gabbs town advisory board is on the agenda. Four members are up for appointment to the Pahrump Capital Improvements Plan advisory committee.

A hearing will be scheduled on proposed parceling restrictions mandating minimum parcel sizes in residential zones and increasing the relinquishment of water rights, in attempts to conserve water.

A contract is up for approval with A&K Earth Movers to regrade the unpaved runways at Gabbs airport. The public works department will also request the purchase of a Tymco Model 600 Comdex sweeper to clean up roadways.

Former officials weigh interest in town board

Pahrump voters approved the proposal to disband the town board by a 7,294 to 7,063 margin in 2012.

Letters to the Editor

It is possible that many residents have forgotten why we no longer have an elected town board. Let me refresh your collective memories.