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Goldfield Days returns on Friday

Goldfield Days and the land auction returns to Esmeralda County this year after being canceled due to the pandemic the previous year. The town will celebrate its 20th annual event this year.

With that, people can expect another year of food, fun and entertainment. The three-day event will get underway on Friday, Aug. 6, where hundreds typically fill Crook Avenue, Goldfield’s main drag.

Bill Beltz of the Goldfield Chamber of Commerce states, “Goldfield Days has always been a real hoot with everyone who has attended, so after missing last year, we’re hoping this year will be as much fun as previous ones.”

Attendees can expect music, dancing, vendors and food, as well as a chili cook-off.

Organizers are also thinking about safety. Beltz said, “As our activities/events are outside, we are going to show the world how to safely have a great time.”

Beltz said about 500-1,500 people are expected for this year’s festivities.

“We want to share our little town and rich history with all our guests and have them leaving with a big smile on their face and perhaps some prizes in their pockets with the hope they will come back to visit,” Beltz said.

As part of the festivities, there will be tours of the Goldfield Hotel and of the high school.

Attendees can also grab a raffle ticket for $1. Several prizes are available for this year’s event: meals, gift certificates and the grand prize of a one-ounce gold bar. Raffle tickets can be purchased during or prior to the celebration getting underway at the chamber’s office at 165 Crook Ave.

Some of the main events will occur on Saturday, Aug. 7, such as the parade and land auction. The parade gets underway at 10 a.m.

The land auction will begin at 1 p.m., at the Esmeralda County courthouse at 233 Crook Ave. The auction will be broadcast live on KGFN 89.1 FM.

Twenty-seven parcels are listed on Esmeralda County’s website for 2021. In addition, five mining claims will be auctioned off.

For a full list of parcels, mining claims and other items, head to https://tinyurl.com/drr4nud7

For more information on signing up or getting raffle tickets, go to the Goldfield Chamber of Commerce’s website at GoldfieldNevada.org or call 775-485-3560 or 775-553-8131.

Contact reporter Jeffrey Meehan at jmeehan@pvtimes.com

Former officials weigh interest in town board

Pahrump voters approved the proposal to disband the town board by a 7,294 to 7,063 margin in 2012.

Letters to the Editor

It is possible that many residents have forgotten why we no longer have an elected town board. Let me refresh your collective memories.