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NDOT reminds political candidates about campaign sign rules

With election season well underway, the Nevada Department of Transportation wants to remind candidates and their supporters where campaign signs are not allowed.

NDOT said that state road rights of way can extend beyond the roadside, fence line and sidewalks, in addition to freeways, highways and urban state roads. This applies to State Route 160 and State Route 372.

Federal and state highway beautification acts don’t allow campaign signs within 660 feet of a national highway system or freeway route, unless they are less than 4-by-8 feet in size. Any sign larger than 4-by-8 feet needs an NDOT permit. This is enforced on U.S. Highway 95 through Amargosa Valley, Beatty, Goldfield and Tonopah.

“Political signs are a very important part of our political process and rights,” said Rudy Malfabon, NDOT Director. “However, these laws are about safety. Signs that distract drivers, block the view of motorists, resemble official traffic signs or interfere with maintenance of our roadsides are not safe.”

For further information you can call NDOT at 775-888-7000 or by visiting NDOT’s website section entitled “public involvement/sign rules and regulations” at www.nevadadot.com.

NDOT employees will remove signs placed in the right of way and store them at the nearest NDOT maintenance station for retrieval by the sign owner. Sign owners have 30 days to claim their signs before they are destroyed.

Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. Follow @mickakers on Twitter.

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