Nye County District Attorney’s report
The public information below was provided by the Nye County District Attorney’s office.
• Jonah B. Lee was charged on August 21 with lewdness with a child under 14 years of age; lewdness with a child under 16 years of age; and luring a child, all felonies.
• Raul Boza was charged on August 21 with driving under the influence of alcohol, third offense, a felony.
• Acacia Louise Ochoa was charged on August 23 with unlawful use of a controlled substance, a felony.
• Jonathan Pretzer was charged on August 23 with possession of a controlled substance, a felony.
• Joel Young was charged on August 27 with lewdness with a child under 16 years of age, a felony.
• Maren J. Kozbial was charged on August 27 with burglary, a felony; conspiracy to commit burglary, a gross misdemeanor and petit larceny, a misdemeanor.
• Eugene K. Chow Jr. was charged on August 27 with burglary, a felony; conspiracy to commit burglary, and possession of instrument with burglarious intent, both gross misdemeanors; and petit larceny, a misdemeanor.
• Marlo Kanoho was charged on August 27 with trafficking in a schedule I controlled substance; sale of controlled substance, first offense; transportation of a controlled substance, first offense; and conspiracy to violate the uniform controlled substance act, all felonies.
• Joseph Michael Holderegger was charged on August 29 with possession of a controlled substance, a felony.
• Delano Karl Cagnolatti was charged on August 29 with failing to appear, a felony.
• Vasili Platunov was charged on August 13 with kennel permit required; dogs and cats. limits – spay and neuter; dog license required; vaccinations of animals; and operating without a conditional use permit, all misdemeanors.
• Richard Adams was charged on August 14 with injury to other property, $250 to $5,000, a gross misdemeanor.
• Clyde Shannonotto Purcell was charged on August 17 with possession of drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor.
• Angelina N. Hedlund was charged on August 22 with use of system providing telephone number to be used in emergency when no actual or perceived emergency exists, a misdemeanor.
• Christopher George Rickard was charged on August 23 with indecent or obscene exposure, a gross misdemeanor.
• Randall John Backus was charged on August 22 with unlawful trespass upon land, a misdemeanor.
• Lance Henry McCormack was charged on August 22 with driving under the influence of alcohol and failure to maintain travel lane, both misdemeanors.
• Lisa Longdorf was charged on August 27 with obstructing a public officer and resisting public officer, both misdemeanors.
• Anthony Joseph Johnson was charged on August 27 with immediate notice to police officer of accident involving damage to property, a misdemeanor.
• Kenneth James Hess was charged on August 28 with obstructing a public officer; failure to appear; and wrongful possession of shopping cart, all misdemeanors.