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Letters to editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Reader says conservative news media full of baloney

Since I am an easy-to-get along with liberal/progressive Democrat who has never felt intimidated by or susceptible to by bullying by any conservative-Republicans and who sincerely and genuinely respectfully disagrees with conservatives who sincerely believe in political conservatism and who are honest, truthful, and respectful in return, perhaps I am a good person to step out of my usual empathetic and compassionate nature and character and tell the American people how full of baloney that the majority of the national conservative news media is.

The part that I find to be the most pathetic, amusing, and laughable is how they try to play all of us for fools and have the sheer nerve and gall to pretend that their right-wing “think-tanks” (which outnumber the liberal/progressive ones by three to one) produce “scholarly”, “objective”, “scientific”, and “unbiased” research when the reality is that most of them are nothing more than phony and fake right-wing propaganda factories/mills primarily funded by corporate billionaires and deca-millionaires who want to abolish all of the federal government social safety-net programs including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid (as well as college student loans).

Keep in mind that most of these people lie like rugs (because they believe that the “ends” justify the use of any “means”) and still love to tell the untruth and whine that they are in the minority and are outnumbered by the “liberal media” when even many of their well-known figures have openly-stated that they are now in the majority.

May I be one of the first to inform you that real, objective, scientific, unbiased, scholarly research does exist which shows that phony and fake right-wing think-tank propaganda is constantly being spoon-fed to all of us Americans every night on the national news programs which we watch. Conservative right-wing think-tank “information” is presented in the national evening news as much as ten times more often than is information from liberal/progressive think-tanks. I would be thrilled to share this research with you.


Stewart B. Epstein

P.S. By way of background, I am a retired college professor of Sociology, Social Work, and Psychology.

I taught at West Virginia University and Slippery Rock University.

Reader offers insights on roundabouts in area

I can’t believe how many drivers are still unaware of how to use the roundabout. We have two in town, one at Pahrump Valley Boulevard and the other at Blagg.

If you are going straight through on Highway 372 at Pahrump Valley Boulevard, which is two lanes, use the right lane, however, if someone is in the roundabout, you do not have the right of way.

If you are approaching and turning onto Pahrump Valley Boulevard, use the left lane. Use your turn signal to allow drivers to know which direction you’re going. It’s only common courtesy.

If your approaching the Round About at Blagg, which is only one lane, move to the left when coming from #160. There are arrows showing that the right lane ends. Too many times I’ve had drivers ride the closed lane next to me and I have to yield to them.

Again if a driver is in the roundabout, they have the right of way. If your turning onto Blagg going south, then please signal. No matter which way you’re going, it is only common courtesy to let everyone know.

Please let’s all work together to keep ourselves safe. It doesn’t take very much time to flip that little thingamajig on the steering column

Jim Cornell

Members of public should learn signs of drug abuse

Drug addiction and abuse is now being considered the largest man-made health crisis ever in recorded history. Since the late 1990s, the drug crisis has surged forward, leaving epic devastation in its wake.

Now, more than ever, it’s important that literally everyone out there knows how to spot the signs and symptoms of drug abuse. Right now, one out of two people struggle with some sort of drug issue, a figure staggering of itself.

The more the public understands how to identify drug abuse, the more the public can finally stand up and do something about it.

For more information on how to spot symptoms of drug addiction, visit https://www.narconon-


If you are in need of a referral to a treatment center, call us at 877-841-5509

Jason Good

Letters to the Editor

Vern Jewett’s recent letter espousing solar farms has me scratching my head for so many reasons.

Investing in Health Access for Nevada’s Rural Communities

Rural living means we face unique challenges that urban areas often don’t, especially when it comes to accessing essential services like health care.

Letters to the Editor

Why is it that those with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) will never take the time to research the other side of an issue before opening mouth and inserting foot?

Letters to the Editor

In Wednesday’s Letters to the Editor, two letters were inadvertently combined. Our apologies to both writers. Here they are in their correct form.

A tribute to a great town and travel buddy

Just like towns, our lives are boom and bust, and this holiday season I’m just thankful for the time that we had together.

Letters to the Editor

Dr. Waters does not speak for the majority of military veterans when he disparages Donald Trump.

Letters to the Editor

It seems the narrative is, “if you can afford solar power you must be rich, so you can pay more too.”