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Letters to the Editor

It’s simply math 101

It has been a year since “Obamacare” took effect. The program was designed to provide “affordable” insurance to 40-plus million citizens. Let’s see how we’ve done.

Last week the Obama administration touted 7.3 million people who have signed up. What they neglected to account for was the over 6 million people that lost insurance because of “Obamacare.” That leaves a net gain of only 1.3 million out of 40-plus million. Not a good sign.

Within the next couple of months the “business” sign-ups begin.

I make the following prediction: More than 1.3 million people will lose insurance coverage. Net gain will be zero or less. Go Reid! Fantastic planning and implementing. Still 40 –plus million without insurance.

R. Davis


Mark Zane endorsement of Sharon Wehrly for sheriff

After a primary election many align themselves with those moving to the general election due to their agreement with the other’s philosophy, but the agreement must not be overwhelming otherwise one wouldn’t have run in the same primary campaign, so you never have mirrored philosophies.

You look to favorable and unfavorable comparisons. Of the two remaining candidates, which most closely resembles my beliefs? Which most closely resembles my values? Which most closely resembles my ethics? Which most closely resembles the type of leader to be trusted, to be truthful, transparent and accountable.

There is no question whatsoever that the sheriff’s office is in a shambles. You feel bad for the people inside almost as much as for the citizens and visitors who receive, or don’t, what little service I attempted. It’s time to let the good ole boys take a rest and elect a good old gal to come in and clean up this mess.

I don’t presume to tell people how to just blindly vote but I will be actively supporting Sharon Wehrly as our next sheriff and I sure hope you join with me.

Sharon was serving the public when I first met her. Sharon’s years of service to the citizens and visitors of the County are a testament to her commitment.

Although we may have small differences on delivery, we both, unquestionably, want to bring public service and credibility back to the Nye County Sheriff’s Office.

Mark Zane


Bill Becht endorses Sharon Wehrly for sheriff

Please allow this letter to serve as my endorsement of Sharon Wehrly for the office of Nye County Sheriff. The people of Nye County deserve the honesty and integrity that Sharon will bring to this office. The upstanding character she has shown through the years that I’ve known her will do much to restore the trust and respect of the citizens of Nye County. This trust and respect is an absolute necessity for any law enforcement agency.

Law enforcement is the lynchpin between the citizens and the criminal justice system. Sheriff’s Office personnel are on the frontlines of public service, often dealing with people who are at their most vulnerable, and unable to help themselves. When a citizen has been victimized, they must have faith in sheriff’s office personnel to respond compassionately, appropriately, and professionally. Sharon Wehrly has the strength of character and leadership to restore that faith through interaction with the citizens who rely on her, and the employees who will follow her leadership.

Sharon Wehrly has dedicated her life to public service, and with your vote and support will continue to serve Nye County.

Please join me in restoring the trust and respect in the Nye County Sheriff’s Office by voting for Sharon Wehrly on November 4th.

Thank you.

Bill Becht

Letters to the Editor

Many of my neighbors are asking for us to walk a signed petition and send it to the attorney general’s office for help.

EDITORIAL: Lithium fires a major roadway hazard

A fire that didn’t burn out was once considered a miracle. Now it’s a hazard faced by Nevada motorists.

Letters to the Editor

Nevada’s State Ballot Question 3 would establish a ranked-choice general election system.

EDITORIAL: Abortion rights are already protected in Nevada

Abortion rights are already codified in state law, thanks to overwhelming voter approval in 1990 of a referendum that legalized abortion through the first two trimesters.

Letters to the Editor

Voter worries about who is really running the country

Letters to the Editor

Protecting our desert home: Why solar is bad for us

Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.