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DMV upgrade could cost Nevada extra $300M amid rollout woes

The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles’ modernization of its computer system could take longer than anticipated and cost the state more than $300 million in additional funding.

Letter: Maintaining sovereign borders is not tyranny

In a commentary (PVT 3/1/17), “The immigration enforcement police state is here,” Thomas L. Knapp suggests that maintaining sovereign borders is tantamount to tyranny. He goes on to say: “Where peaceful people move to settle or work is nobody’s business but theirs.” And wouldn’t the world be a far better place if we only made love, not war? Regrettably, the history of nation states is a testament to how little regard there is for that kind of sentiment.

Myers: Nevada’s insulation from the vagaries of abortion law

In 1972 the U.S. Supreme Court in its Roe v. Wade decision ruled that most state laws outlawing abortion violated a woman’s right of privacy. The decision swept out dozens of laws across the nation.

Letters: Desert Haven Animal Society thank you

On behalf of Desert Haven Animal Society, I want to thank the generous supporters of our booth at the Balloon Festival held February 24-26, 2017. Through their generous donations we had a very successful fundraising event. Our heartfelt thanks go to following businesses that helped us in our efforts to ensure the well-being of the animals in our care:

Muth: Top 10 reasons Trump should pick Newt for VP

Since “veep” talk for Donald Trump is all the rage this week, let me throw my two cents in: Newt Gingrich. Here are my Top Ten reasons why…

Cooperative extension continues offering services

The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension would like the community to know that even though the county has de-funded our portion of the overall county budget, we are going to continue offering some services to Nye County.

Policinski: Let’s keep the Fourth going all year long

The red, white and blue bunting is down, the flags are furled and the last of the fireworks have been sent aloft. And for far too many of us, that surge of patriotic fervor and effort found around July Fourth goes back into metaphorical storage for another year.