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DMV upgrade could cost Nevada extra $300M amid rollout woes

The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles’ modernization of its computer system could take longer than anticipated and cost the state more than $300 million in additional funding.

Tea Party has been GOP’s savior, not albatross

The Republican Empire, led by Lord McConnell and Darth Boehner, isn’t taking primary challenges by tea party insurgents lying down, and an all-out intra-GOP war is breaking out.

Being against is becoming a political value

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic floor leader, last week got some attention for praising his colleague Rand Paul of Kentucky, a symbol of libertarian conservatism.

Salesman in chief pitches Obamacare

Not since the Ginsu knife cut through an aluminum can and still sliced a tomato has America seen a pitch quite like the one President Obama delivered in the Rose Garden on Monday.

Virginia’s other choice

When William F. Buckley, running as the Conservative Party’s candidate for mayor of New York in 1965, was asked what he would do if he won, he replied: “Demand a recount.” Robert Sarvis, Libertarian Party candidate for governor of Virginia, will not need to do this.

2014: The Year of the Republican Woman?

If there has indeed been a Republican war on women, Republican women in Nevada are striking back!

JFK backed down on Cuba

Whenever there’s an international dispute, such as the one involving Syria through which we are passing, people are almost certain to drag out two previous crises as supposed lessons to us. They are Munich and the missile crisis. Neither of these are normally described accurately. Right now I am particularly concerned with the missile incident, because it got quite a workout recently. Publications from the Washington Post to Mother Jones to the Jewish Post invoked it over Syria.

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