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TIM BURKE: California dynamics have changed, for the worse

It looks like the politicians in Washington might try to get something done to help businesses and individuals hurt by the pandemic shutdown. After spending the first weeks of the 117th session on partisan politics in Washington, the House has finally taken up a third stimulus package proposal.

TIM BURKE: High court reverses restrictions in churches’ occupancy

Christmas is a time of traditions. Families have been out searching for that perfect Christmas tree to decorate. Christmas lights are being put up. Music stations are playing Christmas music, and TV stations are playing holiday movies. Toy drives are underway. Hot chocolate is being brewed and cookies baked. Gingerbread houses are being decorated from simple and fun projects to grand displays worthy of public display. Secret Santa gifts are being carefully hidden until it is time to exchange the gifts. Ugly sweaters have been picked out and readied for their unveiling.

Letters to the editor

Reader disputes Obama, COVID-19 facts in PVT letter

The Latest
Will America be the next great civilization to fall?

As I watch and read the news reports of the shooting of the police officers in Compton, California, my faith in humankind’s future has doubts creeping around the edges of my thoughts.

DEBRA J. SAUNDERS: Kamala Harris: progressive opportunist

Kamala Harris wasn’t a hard-core district attorney in San Francisco nor a tough-on-crime attorney general in California, but she was still selected as the Democrats’ vice presidential nominee.

Dan Schinhofen: Development issue draws scrutiny

A story in the Oct. 30 edition of the PV Times titled, “Mountain Falls request rejected in Pahrump” caught my attention the other day.

Tim Burke: Forcing residents to report annual mileage sounds rather Orwellian

A bill that became effective October 1st that should concern all residents that own a vehicle in Nevada is AB483. The bill has been labeled as necessary to gather information for “future” road projects in Nevada.