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Making the dreaming of a Sportsman’s Paradise come true

It’s that time of year again. Most big game seasons have come to an end and fishing has slowed. We may have overindulged around the holiday table; I’m guilty.

While digesting, I thought back on a year of renewal following our Covid shutdown. Now we’re back and I even drew an Antelope tag for the first time in several years, as my friends found success here at home and as far away as Alaska, Africa, and even Tajikistan. It’s been a pretty good year with old friends, and some new ones too.

If we were lucky, or planned well, Santa was kind and “stuff” may have appeared under our Christmas tree. Now we look ahead and dream of new adventures.

Will I draw a tag this year? I’ll try; you can’t draw if you don’t apply. Can I travel? Yeah — but I’ll have to work enough to buy fishhooks, bullets, and gas. This is the quiet season, time to focus and plan those trips to near and far-off places; read some of those outdoor magazines that have been piling up on the coffee table or in the book basket; clean gear, organize, and put “stuff” away. I’ll do better this year. It’s time to visit friends and talk of coming adventures; take a look at those “air miles,” the budget and discuss logistics. Perhaps this is the year for another “big trip.” I’ll do it while I still can — this is the season of dreams.

Who knows? Maybe dreams can come true, if we give them a little help. Spend more time with the family; plan an outdoor adventure; take that hunter safety class; or introduce a friend — young or old — to hunting or fishing. This could be a very good year and hopefully a return to normalcy.

What’s New

Have you ever had one of those dreams that seem real? I had one just last week, and I’m the type of guy that sleeps well, and doesn’t often have dreams, a clean conscience I guess, or perhaps just not much of an imagination.

In this dream, I was surrounded by my hunting pals, and with us were the legendary hunters we read about in outdoor magazines and see on TV. We were also surrounded by every make and model of hunting firearm, and every conceivable tool (or toy) a sportsman could want or imagine. This was “Sportsman’s Paradise.”

We were wined and dined on the most succulent offerings of wild game and beverages. The décor and surroundings were more opulent than anything I had ever seen; next to me at dinner were two of my gun-writer idols, Terry Wieland and Wayne van Zwoll. I’d been reading their “gun stuff” for years.

Once more, I was in “Sportsman’s Paradise” — and then I awoke.

The “Dream”: The Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show is the dream and will be in Las Vegas January 21-25. If you get a chance, this is where you will see all of the latest sporting equipment on the market. If you can’t make it, don’t worry, I’ll be there and come back to report on lots of new and exciting “stuff.” I’m a traditionalist when it comes to gear, but hey, there is nothing wrong with starting a new tradition.

Representatives from Winchester, Browning, Ruger, Remington, and other gun manufacturers will display their entire line of firearms, along with new innovations, as will the archery industry. There will be camping tents and equipment of every type, including implements for preparing and preserving fish and game, both at home and in the field.

Electronic innovations (not necessarily improvements), of game calls, to decoys, to communication devices and things to provide power to those “necessary” pieces of equipment while on extended outdoor adventures will be prominent.

The outdoor transportation industry will also be well represented with everything from the latest Dodge or Jeep muscle machine, to the newest quads or mountain bikes, and some very fine canoes.

I’ll labor diligently and selflessly, experimenting with many of the new products. I’ll even find it necessary to field test some of these items — tough work, but I’ll try to pick out some of the latest and most innovative and will share them with you in future columns.

The reality of my dream can only be surpassed by the actual event. It really is a “Sportsman’s Paradise.”

Here’s wishing you all a safe, great and successful new year.

If you have a story or comment about this or other articles, please contact me at sportsmansquestdan@gmail.com.

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