Pahrump Nugget hosts New Year’s Eve tournament
The Pahrump Nugget held their third annual bowling tournament on New Year’s Eve to ring in the new year.
The tournament was a 9-Pin No-Tap 3-6-9 style event, featuring 99 bowlers. Each bowler played five games, with the two worst scores being thrown out.
Each player that entered the tournament with an established handicap automatically received a handicap of 220 pins for the tournament.
If a player entered without an established handicap, they received a specific handicap for the tournament – 160 for the men, 140 for the women.
Tim Kurdupski came away with the tournament win. He finished with a score of 1,054 pins and walked away with $40 in prize money. Kurdupski’s wife, Cathy, finished in sixth place with 982 pins.
Janis Correa came in just behind Tim with 1,051 total pins for her second-place finish. She walked away with $35 in prize money.
Dave Mathias, James Spear and Milan Vasquez rounded out the rest of the top five finishes.
Mathias finished in third place and was awarded $32 in prize money. He finished with a total score of 1,014 pins.
Finishing just behind Mathias was Spear, with a total of 1,012 pins. For his fourth-place finish, Spear received $30 in prize money.
And for the fifth-place finish, Vasquez received $28 in prize money. Vasquez finished with a total score of 994 pins.
The top 25 bowlers of the tournament took home prize money for their finishing places.
Angelica Kelly was also awarded $10 in prize money. She was given the “Designated Driver” award for her last-place finish with 549 total pins.
The Pahrump Nugget will be starting their new bowling leagues this week with their Youth Bowling League and the 500 Club league starting on Saturday, Jan. 8 and their Monday night league starting on Monday, Jan. 10.
If you would like any further information regarding the leagues, please contact the Pahrump Nugget Bowling Center at 775-751-6500.