Half-cent sales tax being reconsidered

Nye County commissioners will consider setting the date for a hearing on a bill to amend the Nye County Code imposing a one-half percent sales tax to fund public safety during a regular meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday at 2100 Walt Williams Dr. on the Calvada Eye.

Morales makes public plea ahead of landfill appeal

Construction company owner Rene Morales placed full page advertisements in two Pahrump newspapers this week to attract support for his proposal to open a construction landfill on Simkins Road, which will be heard Tuesday by the Nye County Commission.

RPC bends codes to suit application

The Pahrump Regional Planning Commission again Wednesday showed a willingness to bend Nye County Code to accommodate applicants for zoning requests.

School psychologist competent to stand trial

A Nye County School District psychologist who was arrested earlier this year on charges of possessing and producing child pornography has reportedly been deemed competent to stand trial in the case following a mental health evaluation.

DA Reports

• Hood Ahmed Qasim Algaili was charged on June 6 with purchase, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverage by minor.


Parole and probation officers allegedly uncovered guns and more than two grams of methamphetamine under couch cushions during an inspection of a probationer’s home earlier this week.

Nevada Digest

RENO (AP) — A university professor was arrested outside a Washoe County school board meeting where he said he wanted to press concerns about the mistreatment of his daughter with a disability.

Letters to the Editor

Governor Sandoval did the right thing with his veto of AB391, which would have placed VEA under the regulation of the PUC.

Headline goes here

“You just gotta love those Democrats, don’t ya? Always trying to meddle in OUR business and raise our prices with their union mentality.

GREAT saved by mining company

At the last minute, Round Mountain Gold in Round Mountain saved the GREAT program run by two Nye County Deputies, Rick Dugan and Don Boulden.

Legion off to good start

American Legion baseball is underway in Pahrump for the summer. The American Legion program is run by the Nevada Youth Baseball Association out of Las Vegas and provides a summer league so high school ball players can maintain skills during the summer months.

WPRA brings opportunity to cowgirls

The Women’s Professional Rodeo Association comes to town this weekend and it’s a whole different animal than the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, in a good way.

FOOTBALL Pistol is out, jet sweep is in

The Trojans football team started its long summer and continues to evolve into a better team. The Trojans retire the pistol for a much simpler offense.

Father’s handiwork a personal gift from his ancestors to his children

For Romeo Sigüenza, it is not just the dance but the skirt that enlivens memories of his grandmother and the ancestors he left behind in southern Mexico. Born on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Sigüenza brought with him to the United States his insights into the meaning and significance captured in the vibrant colors and striking symbols of the needlework embroidered in family traditions.

Live music shows, poker run and more

Another busy weekend is ahead and there should be no complaints of not having anything to do.

Senior News

The menu (subject to change) and activities for the week of June 17 — June 21: 2 percent milk and juice available daily:

‘The Flagman’ gets notice to evict Mitchell

Ray “The Flagman” Mielzynski was issued a cease and desist letter by Nye County code compliance ordering his tenant, Karl Mitchell, to move his tigers off his property. Mielzynski claims the notice isn’t legally valid.

June 2013
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