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DMV upgrade could cost Nevada extra $300M amid rollout woes

The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles’ modernization of its computer system could take longer than anticipated and cost the state more than $300 million in additional funding.

Education advocate met life head-on

If ever a man appeared to have prepared himself for the flak and sucker punches found in Nevada’s legislative and university politics, it was Jack Lund Schofield.

Carson City considering bills to help veterans

By the time this is published, I will have attended Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature in Carson City.

Letters to the Editor

Some politicians only see dollar signs at Yucca Mountain

Letters to the Editor

Medicare, Medicaid cuts could affect investment incentive

Assembly GOP should tell Sandoval to go back to drawing board

I remember a time back in the 6th grade when I turned in a book report. Mr. Levanis reviewed it, handed it back to me and said, “This isn’t acceptable. Go back and do it over.”

A lottery is back on the legislative scene

“There’s a correlation between those who play the lottery and income,” Nevada economist Thomas Cargill said in 2005. “You know, the lottery is a regressive tax on people who are not very good at math. I saw that on a bumper sticker in California.”

Letter to the Editor

Attacking of the Innocent

FROM THE EDITOR: Too distracted to write about anything else today

Ah, it is mid-March again, my favorite time of year. Winter is turning to spring, the bridge between chilly night and hot-as-youknowwhat summers. My birthday is in March, St. Patrick’s Day is in March and Spring begins in March.

Letter to the Editor

Government is battle of progressives versus conservatives