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Pahrump Valley Tournament Bowling Club hosts 8 and 9 Pin No Tap tournament

The Pahrump Valley Tournament bowling club concluded its certified 8-9 pin no-tap singles tournament last Saturday.

Hosted by Dee Runau and Peggy Rhoads at the Nugget Bowling Center, the tournament featured a total of 102 participants.

The 300 club had quite a few members including Camryn Feehan (3), Daryl Lasky (2), Sheri Levy, Joe Matassa (2) Dale Bystedt (2), Judi Clausen (1), Art Partrick (1), Fran Gobbi (1), Vince Allison (1), Randy Breneman (1), Mine Mundt (1), Chris Mohl (1), Deb Mallory (1) and Jim Spear (1).

Feehan finished in first place in the Scratch Side Pot class, bowling a 900 series with three perfect games.

Sheri Levy led the way with a win in the A division, (average of 157 and above) finishing with a total score of 1,044.

The 50/50 was won by Deb Mallory and Lathan Dilger for $79.50 each.

Mallory also finished in first place in the HDCP Side Pot divison with a total score of 1,087, winning $42.

The following 8-9 No-Tap division A bowlers all received cash prizes based off their final scores:

Sheri Levy: 178, 266, 300, 300, 1044 - $75

Jim Spear: 159, 300, 297, 279, 1035 - $70

Judi Clausen: 186, 300, 263, 258, 1007 - $60

Dale Bystedt: 129, 277, 300, 300, 1006 - $50

Mike Mundt: 153, 297, 244, 300, 994 - $40

Wayne Bellina: 178, 285, 264, 264, 991 - $38

Roger Woodward: 197, 232, 267, 286, 982 - $36

Barry Latislaw: 156, 285, 277, 263, 981 - $32

Chris Mohl: 113, 290, 277, 300, 980 - $26

Joe Matassa: 113, 262, 300, 300, 975 - $22

Randy Breneman: 170, 300, 275, 219, 964 - $16

Mark Hansen: 178, 274, 262, 231, 945 - $7.50

Fran Gobbi: 145, 245, 255, 300, 945 - $7.50

The following 8-9 No-Tap B bowlers all received cash prizes based off their final scores:

Deb Mallory: 291, 277, 300, 219, 1087 - $76

Ralph Johnson: 213, 296, 263, 265, 1037 - $72

Linda Byrd: 264, 200, 261, 295, 1020 - $60

Orpha Lasky: 229, 258, 290, 237, 1014 - $54

Jennifer Mathias: 205, 273, 260, 260, 998 - $44

Peggy Rhoads: 216, 265, 263, 249, 993 - $40

Sandra Halsey: 199, 296, 253, 241, 989 - $35

Art Patrick: 199, 277, 210, 300, 986 - $32

Bob Koleff: 221, 222, 265, 277, 985 - $28

Bob Riley: 210, 237, 261, 276, 984 - $24

Eddie Ryan: 207, 245, 237, 265, 954, - $22

Jan Sawyer: 278, 199, 218, 245, 940, - $20

Nainoa Winquest: 224, 207, 277, 226, 934 - $18

Dave Mathias: 205, 225, 259, 241, 930 - $15

The following HDCP Side Pot bowlers all received cash prizes based off their final scores:

Deb Mallory: 291, 277, 300, 219, 1087 - $42

Sheri Levy: 178, 266, 300, 300, 1044 - $38

Ralph Johnson: 213, 296, 263, 265, 1037 - $36

Jim Spear: 159, 300, 297, 279, 1035 - $34

Orpha Lasky: 229, 258, 290, 237, 1014 - $32

Judi Clausen: 186, 300, 263, 258, 1007 - $30

Jennifer Mathias: 205, 273, 260, 260, 998 - $27

Mike Mundt: 153, 297, 244, 300, 994 - $24

Peggy Rhoads: 216, 265, 263, 249, 993 - $21

Wayne Bellina: 178, 285, 264, 264, 991 - $20

Sandra Halsey: 199, 296, 253, 241, 989 - $18

Art Patrick: 199, 277, 210, 300, 986 - $16

Bob Koleff: 221, 222, 265, 277, 985 - $15

Roger Woodward: 197, 232, 267, 286, 982 - $14

Barry Latislaw: 156, 285, 277, 263, 981 - $13

Joe Matassa: 113, 262, 300, 300, 975 - $12

Randy Breneman: 170, 300, 275, 219, 964 - $11

Eddie Ryan: 207, 245, 237, 265, 954 - $10

Mark Hansen: 178, 274, 262, 231, 945 - $8

Tie: Fran Gobbi: 145, 245, 255, 300, 945 - $8

Jan Sawyer: 278, 199, 218, 245, 940 - $6

Daryl Lasky: 102, 300, 300, 237, 939 - $5

The following Scratch Side Pot bowlers all received cash prizes based off their final scores:

Camryn Feehan: 300, 300, 300, 900 - $37.50

Sheri Levy: 266, 300, 300, 866 - $31

Joe Matassa: 262, 300, 300, 862 - $25

Mike Mundt: 297, 244, 300, 841 - $22.50

Daryl Lasky: 300, 300, 237, 837 - $20

Randy Breneman: 300, 275, 219, 794 - $15

Jennifer Mathias: 273, 260, 260, 793 - $12.50

Art Patrick: 277, 210, 300, 787 - $10

Mike Kintzer: 280, 229, 276, 785 - $9

Kyle Pope: 237, 256, 277, 770 - $7.50

Contact Jacob Powers at jpowers@reviewjournal.com. Follow @jaypowers__ on X.

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