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Divas on a Dime: 7 secrets to a happy, healthy, abundant new year

So, how are those resolutions going?

We’re only five days into the new year, and I’ve already heard friends disappointed with their apparent lack of resolution success. What does this mean? You slip up once and give up? Please take some advice from an experienced Diva; here are the secrets to a wonderful new year:

1. Give yourself Grace. Be your own best advocate. When you hear your negative self-talk - stop! The rest of the world is delighted to remind you of your misgivings. Speak to yourself with the same love and compassion you’d give a friend or a child. When you start to berate yourself, make a new habit to change direction immediately and tell yourself you’re doing the best you can, you love yourself exactly as you are. And mean it!

2. Quit multi-tasking. We’ve accepted the myth that the one who does the most stuff at once gets the gold star. Why? It’s simply untrue. Doing too many things at once doesn’t make you more efficient, it makes you stressed out. Being stretched too thin means you aren’t doing anything to the best of your abilities. Organize yourself so you can be completely focused on one activity at a time. And rock it!

3. Move your body. Find a physical activity you enjoy and schedule it into your calendar. Buddy up with a friend for accountability. Walk around the block. Take the stairs. Get the kids outside. Park on the far side of the parking lot. Do squats while you brush your teeth. Every time you pick up a gallon of milk; curl it five times. Put on your favorite music and dance your face off. As a last resort pay to take classes if that’s the only way you’ll commit. Move it or lose it!

4. Save your pennies. Small savings truly add up. Stop with the credit cards and save for purchases. Debt brings stress - ain’t nobody got time for that.

5. Eat foods that heal your body. We gotta eat. That’s a fact. But every time we open our mouths we make choices. Let this be the year we plan meals that benefit our amazing bodies rather than hurt them. Plan your lunch rather that grab something fast. Give precedence to vegetables, fruits and lean protein. Make soup. Make salads. Involve the family in finding new recipes that embrace health. When you splurge – enjoy it!

6. Prioritize people. Commit to connecting meaningfully with family and friends and reconnect with people with whom you’ve lost contact. Have lunch with a friend, write an overdue thank you note, make that apology, call your favorite teacher and tell them they made a difference in your life. You’ll feel the most benefit, I promise.

7. Seek out that which makes you happy. Surround yourself with people that encourage you and make you laugh. Pursue your passions. Commune with nature. Begin rituals that have meaning to you, like Sunday dinners, an afternoon cup of tea, or watching the sunset. Live this year with intention.

Wishing you joy, optimal health and courage to move forward making 2018 your best year.

Contributed by Patti Diamond from Divas On A Dime – Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! www.divasonadime.com Join us on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom

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Bang for your buck: Where to buy fireworks

Nye County is known for its many fireworks stores that typically peak around the Fourth of July holiday. If you’re looking to stock up on fireworks check out these local retailers:

  • Alamo Fireworks Megastore, 5360 US-95, Amargosa Valley
  • Area 51 Fireworks, 1381 Highway 372
  • Blackjack Fireworks, 1181 S. Highway 160
  • Phantom Fireworks of Pahrump, 921 S. Highway 160, Suite 501
  • Red Apple Fireworks, 3640 S. Highway 160
  • Outlaw Pyro, 2280 W. Betty Ave.
GALLERY: How Pahrump marked Juneteenth

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