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Divas on a Dime: Empty edible cone that’s filled with possibilities

Here’s a fun food trend perfect for the upcoming holidays and beyond. You make a cone, like an ice cream cone, but with pizza dough. You can fill the cone with fabulous foodie fillings of your choice. This is the ultimate portable party food vehicle or fun way to breathe new life into your family-favorite recipes.

Making the cone is easy, but I’d suggest a practice batch first if you plan to implement the idea for an important event like a party. These can be made any size you wish but a cone about 6 inches tall holds a good amount of filling for a single serving, similar in size to a piece of pizza or a sandwich.

You’ll need card stock or poster board to form the frame to wrap the dough into a cone. I used a sheet of poster board sized 14”x22” and was able to cut five frames.


What You’ll Need:

Cardstock or poster board

1 pound pizza dough

1 egg yolk

Kosher salt

Fillings of your choice

Here’s How:

Preheat oven to 400°F. Roll pieces of cardstock into cones about 7 inches tall. Staple the cones closed. Trim excess cardstock so the cone will stand straight. Wrap each in foil, folding ends into the cone. Spray liberally with non-stick spray.

Cut pizza dough ball into six equal pieces, rolling each into a long, flattened strip. The strip should be about 18 inches long. Be careful not to overhandle the dough or it will become stiff and unappetizing. Like eating the card stock.

Starting at the point of the cone, cover it really well to avoid a drippy leaky cone, then start to wrap in a spiral around cone. Make sure to overlap the dough and lightly pinch seams as you roll. Tuck the end of the dough in on itself after coiling up the cone. Stand the cones point side up on a baking sheet.

Brush each cone with egg wash (egg yolk with a tablespoon of water). Sprinkle with salt (or sugar depending on your filling). Repeat with remaining cones. Bake in oven until cones are golden-brown, about 10 minutes. Remove from oven and cool a bit before removing the cone from the foil.

Now that you have empty cones, we need to fill them. Some savory ideas are philly cheese steak, chicken or beef fajita, scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, chili, BLT, or pulled pork. Or go sweet: apple pie filling, chocolate mousse, strawberries, bananas and whipped cream.

In the photo, I used pizza fillings. Place mozzarella in the bottom of cone to prevent leaks. Layer pizza sauce, cooked sausage, cheese, and pepperoni to fill the cone. To heat fillings to melty, gooey goodness, place the cones into a popover pan or oven-safe coffee mugs to keep them upright while you return them to the oven until golden and bubbly.

A fun brunch idea is to serve empty cones with a variety of fillings and let people go crazy. It’s good to be in charge of your cone destiny.

Frugal Food by Patti Diamond from Divas On A Dime – Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! Website and blog - www.divasonadime.com Join the conversation on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom.

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