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Consumer protection, scams subject of next Conversations with AG Ford event

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford is continuing his outreach initiative, “Conversations with AG Ford” this month and the subject of the next segment in this series is one that will undoubtedly attract the attention of many throughout the Silver State.

On Wednesday, May 26, Ford and members of the Nevada Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection will discuss the topic of scams and fraud, which have always been a cause for concern but which have seen a surge in the past year, with the COVID-19 pandemic leaving the door open to a whole horde of new and nefarious ways for criminals to take advantage of citizens across the United States.

“The fourth in the series of Conversations with AG Ford will feature our office’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. Members of this bureau will discuss scams and how Nevadans can protect themselves, how to fight fraud, and what Nevadans should do if they believe they have fallen victim to a scam, deceptive trade practices or antitrust law violation,” a news release sent out by the office earlier this week announced.

Ford began his Conversations with AG Ford initiative earlier this year, holding the first such event in February with the topic centering on the office’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. This was followed by the March event focusing on the office’s Constituent Services Unit and Investigation Division and then the April event in which the office’s Workers’ Compensation Fraud Unit was featured.

Anyone interested in viewing these conversations can do so by visiting the Nevada Attorney General’s Youtube page.

The Bureau of Consumer Protection segment is set for this coming Wednesday, May 26 at 4 p.m. Those wishing to take part or listen in can do so via the platform Lifesize.

A Lifesize account is not necessary in order to participate. Attendees will be able to submit questions live through the chat bar located on the right-hand side of the screen.

Visit https://bit.ly/3dk7Im0 to participate.

Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com

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