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Mojave Max gets a Nevada license plate

Mojave Max fans can now purchase a Nevada license plate featuring the picture of a desert tortoise.

The plate costs $62, and $25 of each sale will be used to promote public education about conservation of desert tortoises and support conservation measures. Specifically, proceeds will help fund the Clark County Desert Conservation Program and Mojave Max Education Program.

The Mojave Desert tortoise was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1990 due to habitat loss, disease and predation. More than 6 million acres of desert land in Nevada, California, Arizona and Utah has been designated as critical habitat for the species.

More information about purchasing the plate, including a picture of it, can be found at dmvnv.com/platescharitable.htm

Contact Michael Scott Davidson at sdavidson@reviewjournal.com or 702-477-3861.

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