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Nye is facing budget shortfall for 2017

Nye County is facing a shortfall of over $2.4 million for fiscal year 2017, officials recently announced.

According to the county's projections for fiscal year 2017, total expenditures will total nearly $33.7 million, outpacing revenues of $31.3 million, which will create a $2.4 million budget shortfall.

"This is a really preliminary projection," Nye County Comptroller Amy Fanning said Feb. 16 at the county commission meeting.

Fanning said that the final estimate will be ready after the Department of Taxation submits their final results.

To address the shortfall, officials would have to cut 8 percent across the board in all county departments that would total $2.4 million.

In 2016, officials cut funding for senior nutrition, Pahrump animal shelter, Beatty and Amargosa Valley health clinics and Tonopah jail. Additionally, officials reduced funding for juvenile probation, the planning budget and the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.

Savings from reducing and cutting those services totaled $2.2 million.

Figures presented by Nye County show a steady decline in revenue over the last five years. The county had a revenue of $30.6 million in 2016 compared to $35 million in 2011. Revenues peaked in 2015 due to net proceeds from the Round Mountain Audit, SolarReserve penalty and Blagg Road settlement.

According to the data provided by Nye County officials, the county is projecting $32.2 million in total revenues and $31.9 million in expenses for fiscal year 2016, with an ending fund balance of $214,000.

Expenditure history for the last five years also shows a decline in salaries, services and supplies. Benefits rose slightly over the same time period. The data provided by the county suggests that despite a decline, expenses outpaced revenues almost every year since 2011.

Fanning said that net mining proceeds that typically account for $1.1 million will not come to the county's budget in 2017.

"That is going to be our biggest challenge, knowing that money is not coming in," Fanning said.

Contact reporter Daria Sokolova at dsokolova@pvtimes.com. On Twitter: @dariasokolova77

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