What the heck? Didn’t summer just start? I just realized school starts on Monday.
There are few foods more comforting than good old-fashioned meatloaf. I’m always surprised how much my family loves this humble dish, especially the kiddies. Who knew happiness could come in such an unassuming little package?
I don’t often get this giddy when I share a recipe but this one is so special, I’m doing my happy dance.
I’m always on the lookout for inexpensive ingredients that can be used in lots of recipes. I’m especially happy when I find unexpected uses for a common ingredient. So, I was wandering the frozen foods aisle and did a doubletake on a can of frozen lemonade and the wheels began to turn.
There are few things more refreshing on a hot summer’s day than cooling down with a flavorful ice pop. But before you dash to the grocery store, consider making ice pops at home. Store bought pops are often chockablock full of sugar, artificial flavoring and dyes. How else can you get those neon colors not found in nature? While it’s fun for the kiddies to stick out their electric blue tongues, we can make better-for-you pops they will love.
With Independence Day just around the corner, summer is in full swing and it’s party time! Here’s an easy strategy to host a grand party without a grand budget: throw a tasting party. Doesn’t everyone enjoy sampling food and drink? It gives people a chance to interact, share and find new favorites.
I remember every summer my mom would make the best jams and jellies with all the perfectly ripe seasonal fruits. She made strawberry, peach, plum, apricot, even strawberry rhubarb jam. All the fruits! She’d fill the pantry and we’d have summer-fresh flavor all year long.
Sunday is Father’s Day. If you’re like most households, you’ll gather and share a meal in honor of dear old Dad. While it may be difficult to decide what gifts to get him, you can’t go wrong serving him barbeque. Especially barbequed ribs.