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Letters to the Editor

We all need to be really careful what we wish for

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DAN SCHINHOFEN: Ruining the rurals

For only being in office for about a month, President Biden has already signed more executive orders in that time than the same time frame for the three previous Presidents. Unfortunately, many of them seem to damage rural communities. I guess that should not be a surprise as he only won 17% of Counties in the last election and the vast majority of those are rural.

Letters to the Editor

The tricky part of impeachment is not to appear political

When will the governor stop moving the goalpost?

Has anyone else wondered when this “Panic-Demic” is going to end? Let me recap what we were told when this all started.

TIM BURKE: Road trip during pandemic was eye-opening ordeal

The COVID-19 pandemic and the governor’s order to self-quarantine change almost everything about our normal daily decision-making process.