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Letters to the Editor

Individual rights eroding without notice by some

Letters to the Editor

Next election we should focus on realism, reader states

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Letters to the Editor

Lifetime Democrat chides party for corruption, says GOP isn’t much better

THOMAS KNAPP: COVID-19: Freedom means that we can do stupid things, not that we have to

NBC News reports that President Donald Trump is “furious” over “underwhelming” attendance at his June 20 campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Only 6,200 of 19,000 seats ended up cradling Trump supporters’ butts. An optimistically pre-arranged overflow area went unused.

Dan Schinhofen: Why a delay if there’s a ‘clear and present danger’

Remember when the Democrats in the House kept saying that? They told us they couldn’t wait for the courts to decide on Trump’s “obstruction” by going to the courts before rushing this impeachment through. (Every president has been allowed this courtesy or actually this right. Apparently, they think Donald Trump should be BELOW the law.

Thomas Knapp: Looking toward lower prescription costs

Americans pay more for our prescription drugs than other people do — half again as much as Canadians or Germans, more than twice as much as Greeks or Italians.