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See the looks from the Soroptomist Spring Fashion Show — PHOTOS

The afternoon of Saturday, May 13 was a celebration of all things chic during the 2023 Spring Fashion Show, a stylish affair that drew a sold-out crowd to the Sanders Family Winery and helped raised thousands of dollars to support Soroptimist International of the Pahrump Valley.

“Our Fashion Show Chair, MaRia Apodaca-Shaddy, and her committee did such a wonderful job!” Soroptimist International of the Pahrump Valley President Linda Fitzgibbons enthused after everything was said and done. “The overall event went very well. This was our second year at Sanders Winery and the venue was great for all in attendance. Loads of fun was had by all and many women went away with beautiful outfits.”

The afternoon included a light luncheon catered by Tower Pizza, with a dessert table filled with goodies provided by Soroptimist members. Entertainment in the form of what Fitzgibbons called “lovely background music” was provided by DJ Mary Martinez with It’s All Good Sound and of course, the highlight of the day was the fashion show itself. Six ladies took to the spotlight to model ensembles, complete with accessories, including Willi Baer, Durette Candito, Gina Emond, Jan Piersall, Linda Wright and Fitzgibbons.

“Our apparel provider was Sunflower Fashions. We had models of all ages and sizes,” Fitzgibbons detailed. “All the models were members of Soroptimist, with a few that have modeled before and some that were modeling for the first time. The models wanted to make sure that everyone was enjoying the show and they had fun clowning around while displaying the clothing, handbags, jewelry and shoes.”

Following the show, attendees were then able to head over to the pop-up boutique that had been set up at the site and purchase the styles they had just seen modeled.

“We also had a silent auction as well as a pick-a-prize which brought in $1,800. Patti Vitz, owner of Sunflower Fashions, has always been so generous to our club and donated a percentage of her profits back to the club, totaling $160. This year we had sponsors as well, our Hospitality Sponsor Gunny’s AC and Heating and our door prize sponsors Urban Ranch General Store and JDE Management, which we greatly appreciated,” Fitzgibbons said.

She reported that the event grossed a total of $4,265 which will now be used to assist the club in pursuit of its mission to provide, “…women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.”

In conclusion, Fitzgibbons offered heartfelt gratitude from the entire organization, remarking, “As always, we would like to thank the community for coming out to support our fundraising efforts for the women and young girls in our community.”

Soroptimist International of the Pahrump Valley meets from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month at the NyE Communities Coalition campus, 1020 E. Wilson Road, Room #31. Prospective members are welcome to join a meeting to learn more about the organization.

For more information contact the group at SIPVPresident@gmail.com or call 775-764-1261.

Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com

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  • Alamo Fireworks Megastore, 5360 US-95, Amargosa Valley
  • Area 51 Fireworks, 1381 Highway 372
  • Blackjack Fireworks, 1181 S. Highway 160
  • Phantom Fireworks of Pahrump, 921 S. Highway 160, Suite 501
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  • Outlaw Pyro, 2280 W. Betty Ave.
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