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Community Briefs

Celebration of Lights

The Pahrump Master Gardeners would like to invite the public on Friday, Dec. 15, from 4-6 p.m., to enjoy cocoa, cider and cookies in the festively decorated Desert Demonstration Garden, at 1651 E. Calvada Blvd. (corner of Calvada and Dandelion). Bring the family to enjoy some treats and a stroll through the Garden under the lights.

Beatty Angel Tree

Sign-ups for the Beatty Lions Club and the Beatty Museum and Historical Society 2023 Angel Tree will close Thursday, Dec. 14. Sign-ups can be done only by the parent or legal guardian of the child and must be in person at the Beatty Library, 400 N. 4th St. The child must be 1-12 and live in Beatty.

Anyone who would like to pick an Angel off the tree to shop for may do so by coming into the Beatty Museum. Call the museum at 775-553-2303 or email beattymuseum@gmail.com

Letters to Santa

The Pahrump Valley Lions Club will be sponsoring the 22nd annual Letters to Santa program. Kids up to age 12 who write a letter to Santa will receive a reply and a gift.

Please include information on your name, boy or girl, age, wish list, home address and a contact phone number.

Letters can be dropped off at the special box inside the lobby of the Pahrump main post office or mailed to the main post office (no postage required). Deadline to receive the letters is Dec. 15.

Library Santa Letters

All youth can ask Santa for something for Christmas because from now until Dec. 15, during library hours you can write a letter to Santa. Letter templates and envelopes will be provided at the Youth Services desk.

Make sure you put your mailing address on the front of the envelope and be sure to check your mailbox – you never know when a letter will arrive. There will be a mailbox at the Youth Services desk for the letters. When Santa has written back, the letter will be mailed to your house.

Toys for Tots

Marine Corps League Abby gate 13, Detachment 1199 and local veterans are collecting toys for tots and donations for Pahrump and Nye County.

Coordinator Frank Miller organizes and prepares the toys for delivery. The deadline for toy request is Dec. 21. Toys are delivered to the Nevada Outreach for distribution.

If you know of a family or someone in need contact Nevada Outreach, 621 S. Blagg Road, at 775-751-1118.

Homeless wraparound

A Homeless Wraparound Event, hosted by NyE Communities Coalition, 1020 E. Wilson Road, will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15.

Free services include food bags to go, hot meal, showers, hygiene products, haircuts, condoms, clothing, phones, vaccines and community resource information. Free transportation at designated times/locations.

For information contact Rachel at 775-727-9970, ext. 212.

Pahrump Valley Gourd Patch

The Pahrump Valley Gourd Patch meets September through May on the third Sunday of the month from 1 - 4 p.m.

If you are new to gourd art or you are wanting to learn more about crafting with hardshell gourds, plan to attend. We have hands on workshops and demonstrations on gourding techniques. This is a great opportunity to learn, have fun and make beautiful gourd artwork!

For location details, email to PahrumpValleyGourdPatch@gmail.com

Shadow Mtn. Quilters

The Shadow Mountain Quilters meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays, at the Bob Ruud Community Center.

All are invited to come check them out. For more information go to shadowmountainquilters@gmail.com

Women’s craft class

Knit Wits meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 1-3 p.m. at Faith Fellowship Church, 2190 N. Blagg Road. Free lessons in knitting, crocheting and looming. Led by Laura Leiker.

Volunteers needed

Southern Nye County Search and Rescue is recruiting new volunteers.

This is an exciting volunteer opportunity if you’re at least 18 and physically fit, with heart and the desire to help our community.

Search and Rescue experience not required. Training provided.

Questions? Email Southernnyecountysar@gmail.com or call 775-727-5071.

Desert Squares

Desert Squares Dance Club dances every Tuesday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Bob Ruud Community Center, 150 N. Hwy. 160.

For more information or to check on schedule of new dance classes, call 775-727-7195 or 305-301-1914. Leave message. Spectators are welcome.

Pahrump Gunfighters

The Pahrump Gunfighters meet the first Saturday of the month at the Pahrump Community Library at 10 a.m.

The local organization performs western skits and gunfights for the public’s enjoyment throughout the year.

They are looking for new members. Anyone interested in joining the group is welcome to attend. For more information call “Gambler Dan” at 775-751-3458.

Well owner classes

Free classes on well ownership by the Private Well Owners Association experts are available on the first Wednesday of every month.

The classes are held at 10 a.m. at the Pahrump Museum, 401 E. Basin Ave.

See Facebook for more information.

Pahrump Peggers Cribbage Club

Pahrump Peggers Cribbage Club plays at noon at the Elks Lodge. Call Carla Jameson at 262-412-3138 for more information. 2220 E Basin Ave.

Shelter needs volunteers

Never Forgotten Animal Society is looking for volunteers to help clean kennels Monday - Sunday 7:30-11 a.m.

Help us help them! Contact Pat at NFAS, 775-764-9070.

Beatty Senior Thrift Store

The Beatty Senior Thrift Store, at the corner of U.S. 95 and Amargosa Street, has new hours. They are open Monday through Thursday and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Closed Friday and Sunday).

They are now accepting donation items at their new store; please do not take items to the old thrift store or leave items when they are not open.

Clean up Pahrump effort

Clean Up Pahrump, (A Chapter of Desert Pigs), a non-profit organization is taking pride in our community by dedicating one hour a week to picking up trash around Pahrump.

When - Come and join them every Saturday from 7-8 a.m. to help clean up our community.

Where -You can find each week’s clean up location (posted every Wednesday) by visiting www.cleanuppahrump.org or follow them on Facebook.

They have gloves, grabbers, and bags so all you need to do is show up ready for fun! One hour a week makes a difference!

Tails thrift store

Tails of Nye County, a 501(c) (3) non-profit, thrift store Twisted Tails, at 520 East St., #A. The store is open Wednesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The shop sells new and gently used items. Proceeds support Tails spay and neuter programs to reduce pet overpopulation in Nye County.

EMT training

Nye County is now recruiting Emergency Medical Technicians and other volunteer opportunities. No previous experience is necessary and training is provided.

Contact Nye County Emergency Management at 775 764-1626 or at mklein@nyecountynv.gov

Beatty bus service

Pahrump Valley Transportation now offers bus service from Beatty to Pahrump on Thursdays. The bus leaves the northwest corner of US 95 and SR 374 (the corner of Main and 2nd streets) promptly at 8 a.m., arrives in Pahrump at 9:15, takes you to a prearranged destination and departs from Pahrump for Beatty at 12:30 p.m.

Cost for entire trip is $3. Seating is limited. For reservations or info call 775-751-6860.

Cardiology services

Vista health is currently providing comprehensive cardiology services and with the current cardiology deficiencies in the Pahrump community, our doors are open to provide more care.

They are located at 330 S. Lola Lane.

Beading Hearts

Join local beaders at 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m., Mondays at the Pahrump Senior Center.

This fun group has been meeting for more than 10 years. They do projects selected and taught by other beaders or you can work on your own project. All levels of experience are welcome.

Foster parents needed

In Nevada’s rural communities, many children, including teens and sibling groups are in need of a safe and nurturing home. Foster parents provide a temporary home so these children can heal and feel supported.

Foster parents can be single or married, male or female. They can be working or stay-at-home parents, or retired with grown children.

To learn more on how you can become a licensed foster parent with the state of Nevada call 888-423-2659 or go to www.dcfs.state.nv.us.

Trivia Night at the Elks Lodge

Every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the month, the Elks Lodge #2796, 2220 E. Basin Ave., will be hosting Trivia Night starting at 5:30 p.m.

They will form teams of four to six players and ask general knowledge questions. It is lots of fun – come socialize (the public is welcome) and see just how much trivia you know!

What’s happening at the Library

STEAM – 1/13, 1/27, @ 10:30-12:30pm 6-15 years old.

Adult Basic Beginning Computer Class – Tuesdays @ 11am in the computer lab.

Favorite Author Book Club – Dec. 18, at 1 p.m., readers’ choice.

Non-Fiction Book Club – First Wednesday of every month @ 11am. Read any N-F book!

Train Workshop – Dec. 16, at 10:30 a.m., 5-13 years old.

AARP Driver Safety – To register call 775-253-8976, leave a message.

CPR Class – Register online only at pumplifecpr.com, call 702-937-0514 for more information. AHA BLS and AHA First Aid CPR AED 12/16.

Homeschooling Group – Every other Tuesday. 12/19 @ 10:30-12:30, resource exchange, meet people, computer access, see Youth Dept. for more info.

Tumbleweed Tales Poetry Roundtable, share your favorite original poems and short writings, for adults and mature young adults. Meets at 2 p.m., 12/19, 1/16, 2/13, 3/19.

Chess Club – Every Thurs., 3 p.m. All skill level/ages welcome.

VFW Swap Meet

Unique goods and curiosities are for sale by various local vendors every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Very friendly environment. Find bargains on car parts, guns, knives, boots – you name it.

Breakfast or lunch available in the VFW hall. VFW Post 10054, 4651 Homestead Road, 775-727-6072.

Farmers Market

The Farmers Market, held in at the Tractor Supply Store on Highway 372, continues to be open from 7:30 to 11 a.m., weather permitting, on Saturdays.

They have locally grown produce, honey, eggs, jams, jellies, home-baked goods, (even sugar-free), pickles, salsas and hand-crafted, homemade, home-sewn, fine art items and so much more.

Women’s Bible study

We are Seasons Women’s Bible Study, a ladies Bible study in Pahrump are Christian women seeking wisdom through God’s word. They meet every Monday morning at 10 a.m., at Nevada Treasure RV Resort lobby meeting room. The resort is located at 301 W. Leslie St..

For more information text or call Renita Walker at 775-513-3795 email at rwseasons@gmail.com

Pahrump Genealogy Society

For anyone interested in learning more about their family history, the Pahrump Genealogy Society meets on the third Wednesday of the month at the Pahrump Museum, 401 E. Basin Ave.

The group meets at 2 p.m.

Obedience Club training

Pahrump Valley Obedience Club Dedicated to strengthening the bond between owners and their dogs through positive training. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Bob Ruud Center.

For training information visit our web site at pvobedienceclub.com Questions? call 702-469-3013 or 775-990 3860.

DAV rides to VA available

DAV transportation is now available to the VA hospital at 6900 N. Pecos in North Las Vegas.

Rides are available Monday through Friday for appointments 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Call Veteran Transportation at 702-423-4885.

Pahrump public transit hours

Pahrump Valley Public Transportation has expanded service hours to 6 a.m. through 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, with last pick-up at 5:30 p.m.

Weekend hours remain the same, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

Rides must be scheduled at least 4 to 5 days in advance. Standard fare is $3 one way. Call 775-751-6860 to schedule a ride or for more information.

Outreach needs volunteers

Nevada Outreach Training is looking for volunteers to work at their office, the shelter, clothing shields, housekeeping, front desk, with victims and during events. They are also looking for people who are interested in helping pick up and deliver donations.

For more information or to volunteer contact FRC Manager Jessica Barlow at 775-751-1118, ext. 109.

Family history center open

Pahrump Family History Center is open by appointment only. Hours are Tuesday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Wednesday 9 a.m. -12 p.m. Evening and Saturday appointments are available. Masks are required. No Exceptions.

To avoid risks to all people please reschedule if you suspect any illness or have any symptoms related to Covid-19. To schedule an appointment please email us at nvpahrump@familyhistorymail.org

West Star Ranch

West Star Ranch Animal Rescue, located at 780 Manse Road, is currently in need of volunteers to help with the animals and/or to work in the thrift store assisting with donation sorting, displaying, and helping customers. The thrift store is currently open on Saturdays and Sundays, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and the Ranch is open for animal adoptions from 8 a.m. to noon.

They are always grateful for cash donations and also accept donations of gently used housewares, clothing, appliances, tools, etc., but does not offer pick-ups and cannot accept truck or trailer load donations because of limited storage. You can contact the Ranch regarding pet adoption appointments at 775-419-3838.

Nye still a “non-sanctuary” county

The commission has reaffirmed its stance on illegal immigration enforcement.

Lady Trojans bats stay red hot against Democracy Prep

After defeating the Blue Knights 15-0 on Monday, the Lady Trojans improved to 3-3 overall on the season and now have recorded back-to-back shutout pitching performances.

Letters to the Editor

As I stated in my first “Where is Our Government” letter, wake up, get involved, and save our town.