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Construction on Anglo Gold office building in Beatty could begin this month

BEATTY — Anglo Gold Ashanti Ltd. representative Wayne Chancellor updated the Beatty Town Advisory Board April 10 on the mining company’s operation in the area.

Of the three projects Chancellor discussed, the North Bullfrog, which AGA acquired from Corvus Gold, is the nearest ready to begin operation. This projected mine is located in the vicinity of the Mayflower, Pioneer, and Yellow Jacket mines.

The North Bullfrog is undergoing the permitting process, which typically takes about eighteen months to complete. Construction and mining at the property could begin in the second half of next year if permitting is completed on schedule.

The potentially larger Silicone Project, located near the Beatty Wash, is undergoing expanded exploration and evaluation.

AGA is also exploring the possibility of bringing the Sterling Mine, acquired from Couer Gold, back into production, possibly by reworking ore using more advanced technology.

Construction of a new AGA office building is expected to begin later this month. Chancellor said they hope to have it completed by Beatty Days in October.

Besides offices, the building will include a large room that will serve as an information center.

A smaller apartment building is planned near the office building and will be used for visiting company executives and employees.

AGA has also leased property across the corner next to the VFW Post, where a trailer will serve as temporary office space and storage of office supplies.

CNW Group/Zacapa Resources Location map of the South Bullfrog project displaying Zacapa’s la ...
CNW Group/Zacapa Resources Location map of the South Bullfrog project displaying Zacapa’s land position relative to regional gold mines and development projects in the rapidly developing Beatty District 3,4,5,6,7,8

The company has formed a Beatty working group, with their public information officer, Nicole Altman, as chairperson. Chancellor said that the group has had good participation and has currently discussed mitigation and upgrade of off-road vehicle trails, the need for housing, and the formation of the Beatty Foundation.

The foundation, which has applied for 502C3 nonprofit status, is intended to manage what AGA calls its community initiatives—projects to benefit the community.

Chancellor reported that they received 12 letters of interest from people seeking to serve on the foundation’s 5-member board, which will eventually have three members from the community and two from the company. The foundation will be budgeted for $250,000 to $300,000 for the 2023 fiscal year, a budget that is intended to increase according to the company’s economic success in the area.

It is anticipated that the foundation could have its first meeting in May, when it would receive its first project proposals, with the possibility of awards beginning in July.

AGA has already been making charitable donations, including the donation of a 65-inch flat screen TV for the Community Center, prizes for the BOE poker run raffle, and assistance to local schools, including scholarships.

Richard Stephens is a freelance reporter living in Beatty.

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Letters to the Editor

There’s been quite a few politicians, pundits, and media people shouting “When is Trump going to bring down the price of eggs?”