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County asks to petition Congress on public lands

TONOPAH — A resolution asking to petition Congress on public lands concerns like sage grouse management, wild horses, wilderness areas and transferring federally managed lands to the state will be on the agenda when the Nye County Commission meets at 10 a.m. here Tuesday.

The meeting can be watched by video conference from the Nye County Commissioners’ chambers at 2100 Walt Williams Dr. on the Calvada Eye in Pahrump.

In other business, commissioners will consider a request by the Beatty town advisory board to deny the closure of Washington Federal Bank.

The board will discuss the sheriff’s office budget. Commissioners previously voted to require the sheriff to submit zero-based budgeting, in which he must submit spending requests to county commissioners.

A resolution asking Congress to provide full funding for the Payment in Lieu of Taxes for the 2014-15 fiscal year is on the agenda. PILT is the amount Congress pays counties for public lands.

A bill setting up a 2 percent special business tax on medical marijuana transactions will be up for approval.

Registered nurse Jo Malay will make a presentation on services provided to the county by the State of Nevada Community Health Nursing Program.

A bill designating portions of paved county highways in the Hadley subdivision for operating off-highway vehicles is on the agenda.

A special liquor license permit is up for approval by the Nye County Licensing and Liquor Board for the White Glove Ranch LLC. The board will also consider a retail liquor license for Tower Pizza at 3561 E. Kellogg Road Sand the new El Jefe’s Restaurant at 1560 E. Calvada Blvd. The renewal of a state winemaker’s license for Sanders Family Winery is up for approval.

A pair of law enforcement grants are up for approval: The Nevada Office of Traffic Safety Joining Forces grant, that provides funds for participating in high visibility, multi-jurisdictional, traffic enforcement events and a U.S. Department of Justice State Alien Criminal Assistance Program Award to reimburse the costs of housing undocumented aliens.

Commissioners will consider a request by the Nye County Assessor to terminate a contract for a Point and Pay system for accepting credit/debit card payments.

A request by public works to increase the county’s share of the cost of the Manhattan Main Street improvement project from $133,200 to $203,200 is on the agenda.

Learn to engage with lawmakers

Learn ‘How to Be an Effective Citizen Lobbyist’ at this free upcoming workshop.

Letters to the Editor

At a time when many print papers are stopping printing, our PVT is alive and well, thanks to its great staff and community support.

A fabulous night in black and white

The chamber of commerce hosted its annual installation and awards gala this month.

Heidi Fleiss talks to PVT about LA wildfires

“I grew up in the Hollywood Hills so I’m very familiar with wildfires because they always seem to be in the hills,” she said.

Have a tipsy time at the Shamrock Walk

Get your tickets now for this popular ‘pub-crawl’ style event.

Get ready for some rodeo!

The Pahrump Jr. and High School Rodeo Club is hosting its annual event Feb. 14-16.