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Grant assists Great Basin College students

Great Basin College recently received a College and Career Readiness Grant for $275,000 from the Nevada Department of Education to increase access to dual enrollment courses for rural high school student populations by providing assistance for tuition, fees and textbooks, the college announced.

This grant will increase access to an already well-established dual enrollment partnership GBC maintains with all the rural school districts within its area of outreach, including 10 of Nevada’s most rural counties.

GBC currently offers a 50 percent reduced rate for tuition and fees, excluding certified nursing assistant and paramedic courses, for all dual enrollment students.

Coupled with the reduced rate for high school students, GBC anticipates the grant funds will cover all or most expenses for dual enrollment students.

All students interested in dual enrollment and located in Elko, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Mineral, Nye, Pershing and White Pine counties, are encouraged to fill out the College and Career Readiness Grant form for funding during the spring 2018 semester.

High school students are encouraged to discuss their intention with their high school counselor before registering for dual enrollment courses.

To begin the registration process and access the form, visit http://www.gbcnv.edu/highschool.html

GBC offers course delivery options, including live classroom, interactive video, and online. Dual enrollment students can enroll in courses for which they meet the prerequisites, most of which are 100-299 level courses.

To be eligible for funds, students must have the counselor or principal-signed forms returned to the GBC Admissions and Records Office no later than Jan. 8.

For more information about readiness grant, contact Dean of Arts and Sciences Thomas Reagan at thomas.reagan@gbcnvedu