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Independent candidate Hansen making pitch to voters again

Independent American Party candidate Janine Hansen is making her pitch to Nevada voters again, as she is getting ready to face off with incumbent Pete Goicoechea.

Hansen, of Elko, is Goicoechea’s only contender for the Nevada District 19 seat in November. No Democratic candidates have filed in the district.

Echoing her opponent, Hansen said that water is the most important issue that she plans to address, if elected.

“Private wells are now under threat. We must protect our water,” Hansen said in an email.

She said cutting back taxes and regulations will prompt job growth.

“Although the talking heads tell us the economy is better, everyday people are still suffering. The answer is to encourage free enterprise and job growth by rolling back taxes and regulations. In addition, as we transfer control of Nevada’s land to Nevada, many opportunities for economic growth will develop,” she said.

Hansen touted herself as an alternative to Goicoechea, who was elected to the Nevada Assembly in 2002. He is currently a minority leader in the outgoing Nevada Senate.

“If I had not run, voters would be left once again with no choice but a career politician with ties to the establishment,” she said.

Voters, taxpayers, and families need an advocate who is not afraid to speak out and is independent of the establishment politicians, Hansen said.

Critical issues are facing Nevadans, Hansen said. She called for protection of the right to keep and bear arms for all Nevadans.

“We must defend our right to keep and bear arms, which is under threat. Our fundamental constitutional liberties, like freedom of religion and speech, are in peril from political correctness,” she said.

Similarly to Goicoechea, Hansen said she opposes ballot questions 1 and 2 that would require background checks for private gun sales and legalize recreational marijuana.

Anti-gun laws, promoted by New York liberals, are designed to further undermine our fundamental right to keep and bear arms. Nevada’s Constitution goes farther than the U.S. Constitution and guarantees the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, lawful hunting, recreational use and other lawful purposes,” she said.

Question 1 is about further restricting law-abiding citizens, Hansen said.

On Question 2 Hansen said: “In Colorado where it has been legalized, there have been many negative consequences for taxpayers and citizens who bear the burden of irresponsible marijuana use.”

Hansen further argued that in Colorado, legalization of marijuana contributed to an increase in traffic fatalities, DUI’s and emergency room visits and hospitalizations.

“Recreational marijuana is a big loser for taxpaxers’ pocketbooks and citizens’ safety,” she said.

District 19 in the Nevada Senate includes Elko, Eureka, Lincoln, and White Pine counties. It also includes most of Nye County and part of Clark County.

Hansen lost to Goicoechea in 2012 in a three-way race that saw her finish third with 19.5 percent of the vote. Hansen ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2014, finishing a distant third.

Contact reporter Daria Sokolova at dsokolova@pvtimes.com. On Twitter: @dariasokolova77

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