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Individuals reportedly posing as OSHA officials

The state Division of Industrial Relations said it has received several reports indicating that individuals posing as Nevada OSHA officials are making contact with businesses in northern Nevada.

OSHA inspectors are required to present their credentials whenever they make contact with management representatives, employees or organized labor representatives while conducting an official inspection. At the beginning of the inspection the OSHA inspector will locate the owner representative, operator or agent in charge at the workplace and present credentials.

OSHA inspectors must follow specific protocols to conduct an inspection and do not issue citations or assess penalties on the spot.

Anyone who suspects someone is impersonating an OSHA inspector should ask the person to present their credentials and get their name. Write down any other information that might be helpful to identify the individual. Report the incident to Nevada OSHA at 702-486-9020 or 775-688-3700. If the person is posing an imminent threat or disruption, please contact local law enforcement.

DIR reminds Nevadans that it is a misdemeanor to impersonate an OSHA inspector. Every person who shall falsely impersonate a public officer, civil or military, or a police officer, or a private individual having special authority by law to perform an act affecting the rights or interests of another, or who, without authority shall assume any uniform or badge by which such an officer or person is lawfully distinguished, and in such assumed character shall do any act purporting to be official, whereby another is injured or defrauded, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

DIR is the principal regulatory agency responsible for workplace safety and worker protections in the state of Nevada.

Comprised of five sections — Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workers’ Compensation Section, Mechanical Compliance Section, Mine Safety and Training Section and the Safety Consultation and Training Section — DIR works to protect Nevada’s working men and women and provides a broad scope of training and support to the regulated community.

For more information please visit http://dir.nv.gov

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