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Letters to the Editor

Electoral College worked in the past, why not now?

Dennis Crooks feels my remark of “if you don’t like it here in the USA as it is, maybe one should move to a more compatible place”, is fascist and wrong as this is America.

Does Dennis feel our immigrants from all over the world’s countries are wrong? After all, they are doing that exact thing I said. So what is wrong by suggesting the same for those living here? Surely, if one can find a compatible place to live elsewhere it is better than violence that just may end their lives, am I correct?

If the Electoral College is so wrong why has it been used for over 200 years so well? Maybe someone should review countries with 1-vote democracies and how well they work (popular votes elect leaders).The mail-in voting only sure has proven Trump and conservatives right – mass fraud, which still hasn’t been finalized. YES, every voter should have legal ID to show if required at polls. And every signature should be verified on every mail-in ballot before results are finalized and announced. This assuring a citizen-only election, with those fraudulently voting prosecuted.

Hopefully life will soon be more normal for all and the virus in lockdown for good. May all have a happy, fun holiday.

Henry Hurlbut

Resident not happy about proposed address change

I recently received a post card for a public hearing notice being on Dec. 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., with teleconference number 1-400-660-5340, access code 147326 for the purpose of consideration of renumbering all the parcels located on Mount Charleston Drive of which there are 344 parcels.

Of those properties, I own three, which are occupied by myself, one occupied by my son and family, and one is a vacant lot.

The question is: Has the county budgeted for enormous costs that will have to be paid for the following – lawyers hired to sue the county for the costs to change all of IDs, driver’s licenses, title changes for owned vehicles, credit cards, medical cards, title filings of homes, wills, Homestead Act filings, family trusts to be followed after a person dies, all kinds of subscriptions being received, (magazines, billings, bank statements, utilities statements, doctors for subscriptions, appointments, and the address changes and mail forwarding when someone has been left off the list above), personal correspondence sent for holidays, and general communication occurring when family members write.

There is probably something I’ve overlooked or not remembered, but I am sure there are others.

Warner R. Owens

Parents: Help for mental illness is not quick enough

Our son has a mental illness. He hears voices and talks back to these voices. Most nights we are lucky if we have two or three hours of sleep and we sleep behind a locked door.

We were told to call the sheriff and they would take him to Vegas for treatment. They came and said he had to go to jail over a traffic ticket. But if he had a broken leg or arm they would have taken him to the hospital first so why is a broken body part more important than a broken brain?

We thought that after his court hearing they would take him to Vegas for treatment but instead he was sent home. We took him to the hospital; they gave him a few pills to hold him over until we could get the prescription filled. The pharmacy did not have the pills in stock so that we are back living in a nightmare again. Nights are the worst. Pray these pills will work!

Melinda Mangan

Reader is incensed by ‘anti-American venom’ in recent letter to the editor

I MUST reply to Mr. Braun’s letter in the Nov. 13 PV Times. Your hubristic “know-it-all” haughty attitude is very offensive to many people. For you to falsely accuse progressive Democrats of “admiring” a Joseph Stalin quote unbelievable and irrational.

How dare you! How can you make such a ridiculous comment without one ounce of proof? How can you paint thousands of your fellow voters with such a broad brush? Don’t ever forget Mr. Braun, that those who don’t see things your way, including politics, are Americans too … assuming you are an American.

Please, in the future, do the PVT readers a huge favor. Give us Americans some concrete, verifiable facts for your anti-American venom. I hope the other voters in Nye County are as insulted by your radical baseless ramblings as I am.

Jerome Doud

Missing airplane spotted near Tonopah

Ground crews lost contact after departure from North Las Vegas

Letters to the Editor

I am very relieved that our nation will not have to suffer another four years.

Purple Sage public meeting held

Public comment is sought on the solar generation facility proposal.