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Letters to the Editor

Good, bad, and ugly are present in today’s society

I see that a biological (trans) male has been allowed to win the Miss Silver State USA pageant. Some questions: What kind of people deny reality and make believe that obvious disorders like transsexuality are not disorders? What kind of people put the disordered feelings of transgenders above the feelings of decent, moral, normal females who don’t want to share their restrooms and showers with biological males who believe they are female? What kind of people let disordered feelings trump science, logic, natural law, and morality?

What kind of people deny the obvious scientific fact that there are only two human genders: heterosexual males and females? What kind of people want to normalize all sorts of sexual and gender disorders? (Sane people want to fix physical and psychological disorders, not irrationally make believe they are not disorders.)

What kind of people put heterophobic homosexuals on the same level as normal heterosexuals? What kind of people offend millions of Blacks by putting them on the same level as the sexually aberrant, by comparing involuntary skin color with voluntary aberrant behaviors? What kind of people want to let biological (trans) males compete against normal females in sports?

What kind of people have values so upside-down, backward, and corrupt that they actually believe it’s OK to discriminate against, legally persecute, and make criminals out of decent, moral businesspeople (e.g., bakers, photographers) who merely don’t want to cater to heterophobic homosexuals?

As an article in Psychology Today once noted: “people with mental disorders so easily rise to positions of power” (Steve Taylor, “In the Seat of Pathocracy,” Nov./Dec. 2019, p. 28). It’s a long story why that is the case, but it’s time we faced the fact that the extremists and fanatics running the liberal movement are very probably psychologically disordered people.

Wayne Lela

Unfortunately, new gun laws won’t stop mass shootings

Here we go again, politicians and their gun control, which has never been defined for me. The way I see it, the only control over a gun is from the person holding it.

Let me be clear, I am as appalled as anybody over these recent mass shootings, but the legislators are all over the news with their latest rhetoric about how we can prevent them. Let’s look at the facts, in spite of all the laws that have been passed over many years, they have not and cannot stop these shootings.

Why not? First, we have the Second Amendment. To ban the ownership of guns, it would have to be overturned by another amendment and that is not going to happen.

Most of the politicians seem to think that background checks are the answer, we already have them in place, which is OK, but criminals don’t acquire guns from legitimate gun dealers, they steal them, buy them from a private party, or from other criminals who probably stole them.

In a recent interview several legislators were being interviewed about the gun problem, they obviously knew nothing about guns, didn’t know that the civilian AR15 is not the same as the military version which is fully automatic and that any semi-automatic hunting rifle can be fired as rapidly as the AR15, also they didn’t know what ammo they used, not that it matters, but it just proves that they are gun illiterate.

Finally, it is estimated that there are over 300 million guns in the possession of civilians in this county so, the guns are out there and the demented people that commit these egregious shootings are out there. The bottom line is, anybody in this county can get a gun, legally or illegally and sadly, no amount of new legislation can stop it.

George Cross

Reader empathizes with protesters, wants country back

These protesters 55 years ago would have been my brothers. We were not the super educated, did not have the highest IQs, most of us did not have college degrees, did not all belong to a single political party, but many of us were able to meet expenses with holding down only one job. For example, in 1960 I started working for General Motors and made ends meet while General Motors made an all-time high in earnings. Everybody won. We can have these good times again, but should not resort to violence or revolution to bring about needed change because divided we cannot make it happen.

At least two of the protesters shouted, “I want my life or country back.” I understand what they meant. What have we lost that we want back? Answer, good-paying jobs. Compared to the jobs during the 60s, my brother protesters would be earning on average from $ 40 per hour and upward, instead of $8 to $16 per hour, clearly not enough to support a family in decent style. What brought about this disparity over approximately 50 years?

We saw our foundries stripped down and sent to other parts of the world. During the 70s the quality of American made cars was greatly reduced, while at the same time better quality foreign cars were imported for American consumers. Mitt Romney became extremely rich by buying up American companies with good-paying jobs, stripping down the components of said companies, and moving these assets to Chinese institutions where Romney held high ownership interests. Good for Romney and China, but leaving many of our present protesters without decent paying jobs.

Easily said, but we need to support policies which can really “make America great again.” One policy would be bring back our foundries, even if we have to do it with some government support. Our government support would be greatly reduced by requiring able-bodied people on welfare to work at these foundries or lose welfare benefits. Bring back more American made autos and auto parts manufacturers, even if it means some government support. Other nations do it. Why can’t we?

Now here comes the difficult issue. When it comes to a choice between the economic interests of the super-rich and the American workers the Republicans will take up for the super-rich over American workers every time. They will grease the Fox propaganda machine with unlimited funds to program viewers why they should support policies against the interests of American workers. If all we watch is Fox News, or if Fox News is our major source of information we will not likely escape the prison of propaganda. I know many of us think we are too smart to be captured by con people. Wrong!

I am a retired successful businessman. I have been conned more than once, while withstanding substantial economic setbacks. At one point I even contemplated hiring a hit man to bring about some justice, but reasoned it would not be the right thing to do.

My fellow protesters and fellow Americans, I know a con job when I see one. Trump is the best con man, bar none, I have seen. In the long run his interests will not be your best interests.

Please consider that I base my beliefs on having attended the university of hard knocks. I don’t know everything, but what I know is well grounded. I have been up, down, knocked all around, but somehow still stand above the ground. One thing I know for sure. When you have learned where the path of defeat has led you, don’t take that path again.

Jim Ferrell

Politicians exploiting media when promoting gun control

The current news is dominated by the recent mass shooting in Denver in which 10 people were killed. Events like these are horrendous tragedies, and shouldn’t happen.

I wish I knew how to prevent them, but I don’t know if they even can be prevented. But I do know that gun control laws are ineffective and counterproductive. They are punitive to law-abiding citizens who have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Criminals don’t obey laws; that’s what makes them criminals.

What really disgusts me is how politicians exploit these events as excuses to come out of the woodwork and get face time on TV to promote their agendas. Completely predictably, a horde of them are out promoting “tougher” gun control laws.

A problem is that these laws only apply to new gun sales through licensed dealers. They do not address the 300 million guns currently floating around the country, most of which are not registered anywhere.

It’s interesting that most or all of the guns used in these mass shootings were purchased legally from dealers by people who passed background checks.

And then there’s Tammy Duckworth, a Democratic representative from Colorado where the last shooting took place. She’s exploiting the assaults on Asian-Americans as leverage to try to force President Biden to nominate an Asian-American to a cabinet position for the sake of diversity. She’s threatening to indiscriminately vote against any caucasian who is nominated for any cabinet position if Biden doesn’t give her what she wants.

Can someone please explain to me what part of this is OK? It’s racist blackmail and blatantly unconstitutional. Government posts should be filled based on qualifications, not race or diversity. Fortunately, Ms. Duckworth has backed down and is no longer playing this game.

What is wrong with these people? Does an opportunity for political exploitation eclipse the interests of their constituents? Unfortunately yes.

The actions and agendas of candidates should be carefully considered when election time comes around. We all need to get out and vote in an informed manner, and vote people who are exploiting their position for personal agenda and/or gain out of office.

David G. Alexander

President’s practice is described as ‘political speak’

Anyone who has watched our new president, even sparsely understands and sees a cognitive decline. In spite of nearly a half a century of practicing and rehearsing it can be described as “political speak”, which is when you get to particularly controversial matters always keep it vague, use words and statements that can be at least dualistic and be skilled in changing or deflecting subjects and be able to “run out the clock”.

Joe has never been tops in any of these things but does use them frequently as many politicians do. It’s becoming more apparent he is being sheltered and protected by many powerful people and allies, even outside of government. Interviews are tightly controlled, scripted, and only done on sympathetic venues. Questions seem limited by some approval process of his protectors and ended quickly if things deviate from a master plan. Even in these venues he constantly needs the “cards in his pocket”.

The previous office holder, love him or hate him, was unquestionably the “decision-maker”, sometimes even to his detriment. Knowing and understanding he came from a ‘building background and a political one, where things have to get done, be done correctly and in a timely manner, those in charge can come across as harsh and even tyrannical. I as well as many others may find it much easier to visualize the previous president in a ‘top hat’ as ringmaster, but I wonder who is the ringmaster now?

David Jaronik

Reader encourages Republicans to move forward

The presidential election has been over for five months and every week I read an editorial about the “good old days” of the Trump presidency or how President Biden is ruining the country. I wish this nonsense would stop.

Joe Biden is governing as a centrist. The Stimulus Bill is just one example where the majority of Americans favor a $1,400 per person check for middle- and low-income families. If anyone regards this as a “socialist” policy, I would invite them to sign their stimulus check and mail it to me. (I will gladly reimburse you for the stamp).

President Biden has also proposed background checks for people purchasing guns, a comprehensive immigration reform package, improving our infrastructure and increasing the minimum wage. All of these proposals are overwhelmingly supported by his constituents.

Meanwhile, the Insurrection Party (the Republican Party died on January 6) has introduced more than 250 bills in 43 states that make it more difficult to vote in 2022. This party cares nothing about governing, but they are consumed with regaining political power. In Georgia, where the Republican secretary of state said there was no voter fraud, their new election law allows the state Legislature to overturn the election results of the people. So much for democracy!!!

I challenged one Republican in Nye County to justify this national attack on voting rights. How does giving someone standing in line to vote for eight hours a bottle of water jeopardize our elections? Why are all of these reforms needed when the last election was declared the most secure in our history? Why do you Republicans want to deny people of color the right to vote? I’m waiting for a reply from you right-wing conservatives!

Dennis Crooks

Senior wants simpler process to get vaccination

I read in the Times about getting a COVID shot for my wife. We are both over 80 and the process involved a 61-digit number to beat into a computer to set started. Dammit, we are not 21-year-old kids born with a computer in our hands, and with grandkids scattered over two states that can’t help.

Is this the administration’s way to try to kill off all the old folks?I can’t understand why someone can’t come up with something simpler.

Richard Willey

America owes shutdown businesses compensation

Mr. Harrell’s letter (in the March 17 PVT) guilt-tripping Americans for not obsessing with coronavirus to the exclusion of all other considerations overlooks the Fifth Amendment’s stipulation that “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.”

If a business is shut down purportedly for the sake of public health, it has been “taken for public use” just as surely as if it were bulldozed for a public highway. Eminent domain provides payment to owners for their property seized. Likewise there is substantial goodwill associated with a going concern that is lost by prolonged closure.

A highly aerosolized, rapidly mutating pathogen is not going to be dispatched so forthrightly as the tyrannical regimes that cost so many lives in World War II.

I do not believe those who perished for the sake of our freedom would want that freedom to now be sacrificed in futile pursuit of a single objective. The Bill of Rights, brilliantly drafted 230 years ago, remains relevant today.

Bill Stremmel

Passing of new bill will mean changes in voting process

I believe the public needs to know what the Democratic Congress of the United States are promoting with their new bill HR1. This bill will make the U.S. Congress in charge of the congressional elections, in place of the states. 2. Any challenge to HR1 can only be filed in District court for the District of Columbia by only one attorney. 3. Mandates automatic voter registration in all 50 states for anyone who gives their information to a government agency. 4. Does away with signature requirements for absentee ballots and make states accept ballots given within 10 days after election day. 5. Would make it illegal to verify addresses of voters or to remove ineligible voters. 6. States must get approval from federal government to make any changes to voting rules. 7. States will not be allowed to require ID for voting. 8. Ensures that illegal immigrants can vote. 9. Allows same day voter registration. 10. Allows 16-year-olds to vote and requires states to encourage this. 11. Prohibits the publication of misleading information about elections. (Of course this is according to someone’s idea of what is misleading.) 12. Legalizes nationwide mail-in voting without photo ID. 13. Legalizes nationwide early mail-in voting. 14. Any designated person can turn in absentee ballots. 15. Requires colleges and universities to hire campus vote coordinators. 16. Mandates that states make absentee voter boxes available for 45 days within an election. 17. There can be no campaign dollars for covering ads on the internet. There are many more parts to this bill and you could look them up on line if interested.

Each one of us should decide if HR1 is appropriate, and what this will do for our elections.

To me it looks like a scheme to get the Democrats in office and keep them there with no Republican representation and voids U.S citizenship..

Judy Pendleton

Presenting ID not a problem at voting polls says reader

I just read the article by Steve Sibelius titled “Democratic election bill would make it easier to vote in Nevada in the March 26, 2021 edition of the Pahrump Valley Times.

From what I read Sibelius is anti-I.D. when it comes to voting. I am a senior and I disagree with him. Let’s be honest about showing identification. I voted in person. When I arrived I was directed to a voting machine. It did not work. I was moved to another machine. I submitted my vote and it appeared to take. When I tried to print it would not do so. I never got a printout of what I submitted. I don’t know if my vote was counted or not. I could not tell from the service the Nevada secretary of states signed onto for checking your ballot. My point is simple. When you have malfunctions of equipment, it causes one to question the integrity of the vote. If we have equipment malfunctions, we certainly can have malfunctions with paper ballots.

We saw the pile of undeliverable mail ballots thrown on the ground by the mailbox of several different apartment complexes by the mail persons. We also saw the number of deceased who voted in Nevada. All of this was courtesy of the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

As a senior, I must show my government issued I.D. regularly. I do not have a problem with that. I must present my driver’s license in order to renew it. I must present my driver’s license, Medicare and insurance cards for medical treatment and hospitalization. I must present my driver’s license to TSA when I fly. And, if the airlines have their way - I will have to present a vaccine passport. If you gamble, you have to show your driver’s license to obtain a casino rewards card. When you write a check not only must you present a government photo ID but you must also provide your telephone number. To receive state or federal aid, you need identification. To obtain utility and water service requires identification. There are all sorts of people who manage to do this - from the rich to the poor. To obtain a passport you have to show who you are with plenty of documentation. What exactly makes voting any different?

No, I do not buy for one split second that it is a burden for some people to present a government photo I.D. Election dates are established. If anything, I can see people volunteering to help those who don’t have an I.D. obtain one well in advance of the election. That would be a great party initiative. I do not believe it is up to our government to make special rules to accommodate those without an I.D. If I have to have one - so do they.

Ballot harvesting is a dream come true for the Democrats. It is bogus and just another way to cheat. I can understand if each party wants to vet party members to collect ballots from senior homes and other locations but only if the collectors of the ballots are provided with party credentials and no fail chain of custody is in place. But the collectors of these ballots should be credentialed with a required photo badge that cannot be duplicated or altered and it must be worn at the time of collection.

For those that have recently or in recent years moved to our county I welcome you and your choice to join us. For some of you, I do not understand why you want to recreate what you fled, I have read about a few cities and counties in Oregon that seceded and joined Idaho. I thought a long time about this. I know there has been a long standing effort for Nevada’s rural counties to secede and become their own state. I am not opposed to this but I am concerned that our total population may not be enough for us to sustain without a heavy increase in taxes to be self-supporting. Personally, I think what the Oregon cities did was brilliant. It would not require boundaries to touch. Think about it - most rural counties across America are red. If rural counties were to leave their blue states and join the red states - that might create a positive dynamic in our country. It might also change the number of U.S. representatives. It requires research and it is something we should look into.

Sheila Geesa

Purple Sage public meeting held

Public comment is sought on the solar generation facility proposal.

Nevada dairy farm could become solar facility

An agreement has been signed to turn the 3,000-acre dairy farm into a solar energy facility.