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Nevada agriculture gets boost

Nevada Department of Agriculture announced funding for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program through the United States Department of Agriculture.

Approximately $250,000 is expected to be awarded to projects that will enhance the competitiveness of Nevada’s specialty crops.

Specialty crops are defined as “fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, legumes, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture).”

“The grant allows us the opportunity to support Nevada’s growing availability of specialty crops through production, education, research and promotion,” Ashley Jeppson, agriculturist for the department, said.

Grant funds through this program have been used to establish various projects.

Project proposals that promote and enhance specialty crops through research, marketing, education, and production must have multiple beneficiaries and may not be used to benefit only one individual or organization.

Read more about this at pvtimes.com

The request for proposals, past funded projects and more information can be found on the NDA website, agri.nv.gov/scbgp

NDA includes the divisions of Administration, Animal Industry, Consumer Equitability, Food and Nutrition and Plant Industry.

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