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Pahrump rock garden established in memory of loved ones

This July the GriefShare chapter at Central Valley Baptist Church officially celebrated seven years in the community and in that time, the nonprofit grief support group has had an incredible impact on the lives of those struggling to cope after the loss of a loved one.

From the depths of devastation back into the light of happiness, GriefShare has managed to help many dozens of people on their journey from mourning to joy and it’s not slowing down now. Facilitators are continuing to spread the word about the healing powers of the program and the group has become such a success that it’s now readying to expand. Lead facilitator Marcia Savage, who took over the leadership role after Pahrump chapter founder Pete Giordano passed, said she couldn’t be more pleased with the group and she is always in awe of the transformations she gets to see in its members.

“The last two years have been a real blessing, just awesome,” Savage told the Pahrump Valley Times during the group’s Celebration of Life, held Saturday, July 9. “Pete would have been so proud, I think, so happy that we’re growing. I’ve got more team members to help me with it and it’s moving forward.”

In fact, the group is flourishing so much that Savage is preparing to begin a second session each week, this one to be held on Monday nights.

“It’ll be here at the Fellowship Hall and we’ll be hosting the same session, with the same video, that we do the prior Saturday. That gives people who may not have been able to make it on Saturday the chance to show up Monday,” Savage detailed.

As the Celebration of Life ensued and attendees devoured a pot luck lunch filled with all sorts of delightful eats, the sounds of chatter and laughter rang through the fellowship hall. It was a stark contrast to the emotions displayed by those very same people only weeks before and Savage said that is exactly what GriefShare is all about; helping people who have experienced loss learn to enjoy life again.

Traditionally, the Celebration of Life would include a balloon release but after a resident expressed environmental concerns, the group decided to switch to a Memorial Rock Garden. Those present that afternoon were able to grab a few rocks and decorate them with the names of their loved ones, as well as personal messages and images, with all of the rocks to be laid in the newly established rock garden on the north side of the church.

“Personally, I think the Lord had me picked out for this a long time ago. I lost my first husband and my brother in a car accident in 1979, when I was pregnant with my second child. So I had a rough go but I trusted on the Lord through the whole thing. And looking back now, I think He was guiding me to do this kind of thing,” Savage said. “A lot of people come in and they are so upset, they are crying so much that they can’t even introduce themselves sometimes. We try to convince people to come to at least three sessions and after that, they see that everybody understands what they are going through and it becomes a family.”

It’s important to note that GriefShare is a nondenominational group and there is no pressure to share at the meetings until a person is comfortable doing so, with Savage adding that confidentiality is key.

“GriefShare is just so well done, with the videos, the workbooks, everything. It just helps people get through and find where they need to be when they are hurting like this,” she concluded.

GriefShare will be starting its next 13-week cycle this Saturday, July 16 and Monday, July 18. The Saturday meetings will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. and the Monday meetings will be from 5 to 7 p.m., both at Central Valley Baptist Church, 3170 S. Blagg Road.

For more information or to register for the sessions call Savage at 775-513-4482.

Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com

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