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Solar development agreement considered

TONOPAH — Nye County commissioners will consider a development agreement for the Sunshine Valley Solar LLC 65-megawatt photo voltaic power plant in Amargosa Valley when they meet here Tuesday.

The meeting can be viewed by video conference at commissioners chambers at 2100 Walt Williams Dr. in Pahrump.

The project includes a half-mile transmission line to connect to Valley Electric Association’s 138-kilovolt substation. It will be located on 745 acres of private property west of Powerline Road. The agreement is valid for 25 years. The parent company, First Solar, will pay Nye County a one-time fee of $10,000 to provide staff and equipment for the Amargosa Valley medical clinic during the construction period. They will reimburse the Nye County Sheriff’s Department for any overtime, which is expected to be minimal. A reasonable effort must be made to hire Nye County applicants for the construction and operation of the project.

The photo voltaic modules will be mounted on fixed-tilt mounting systems and/or single-axis horizontal tracker systems. The panels will be up to 13 feet above ground at the highest point.

Commissioners will be asked to decide whether to increase funding for the fiscal year 2013-14 Pahrump chip seal program by $350,000 or reduce the miles of road to be chip sealed from 15 miles to 8.5 miles.

An ordinance changing rabies requirements is on the agenda. The changes require dogs or cats to be be vaccinated against rabies with a vaccine designed to provide protection for three years. The certificate of vaccination must include a signature of the veterinarian hand written, stamped or produced by a computer, along with the vet’s license number.

A person with knowledge of any animal bite shall report any animal bite to the Rabies Control Authority or animal control officer, within 24 hours. Animals which have bitten a person are required to be quarantined and observed for 10 days afterwards.

The changes strike requirements on medical labs and reporting requirements by schools or child care facilities.

An agreement with Off the Fence Productions for filming at Beatty Airport is up for approval. Commissioners will consider a resolution levying a per parcel fee on taxable property in the Pahrump Valley groundwater basin for the 2014-15 fiscal year. An inter-local agreement with the Clark County Coroner for autopsy services is on the agenda.

A contract with the Nevada Department of Corrections Tonopah Conservation Camp to supply meals for the Tonopah jail is under consideration.

Commissioners will consider public comments on the list of projects for consideration under the federal Community Development Block Grant program and vote on what projects to submit. Commissioners Nov. 5 voted to forward requests for $45,000 for rehabilitating the Amargosa Senior Center, $58,000 for a water resource plan for the Beatty Water and Sanitation district and $8,000 for Health and Human Services computer kiosks.

Nye County Room Tax audit underway

Professional auditor looking into waived late payments by transient lodging establishments.

Letters to the Editor

There’s been quite a few politicians, pundits, and media people shouting “When is Trump going to bring down the price of eggs?”