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Solar project agreements up for discussion

TONOPAH — Nye County commissioners will consider entering into an option to lease property at the Tonopah Airport for First Solar Development, LLC, the company that announced plans to build a 65-megawatt, photo voltaic project in Amargosa Valley, during a 10 a.m. meeting here Tuesday.

The meeting can be seen by videoconference at the county commissioner’s chambers at 2100 Walt Williams Dr. in Pahrump.

Commissioners will also set a public hearing for a development agreement for the Amargosa Valley project, with Sunshine Valley Solar LLC. It will be built on private land on Powerline Road and involves a half-mile generation tie transmission line connecting to Valley Electric Association’s Valley substation.

Commissioners will consider prioritizing projects vying for funding in the Community Development Block Grant program in the 2014-15 grant year. A summary of past CDBG projects is also on the agenda.

An advisory committee will be considered to develop a groundwater management plan, to review potential impacts on water usage.

A date will be set for a public hearing on a bill amending rabies control regulations.

Commissioners will vote on a bill amending the Nye County Code on gaming licenses to require 90 hotel rooms for a non-restricted license, after they erroneously voted on the draft bill last meeting.

A public hearing will be set to consider the dissolution of the Smoky Valley Television District.

A resolution amending the procedures for the Nye County Health and Human Services Department is on the agenda.

John Jemison will present an investment review of the Nye County portfolio with BNY Mellon Wealth Management in a timed presentation at 10:30 a.m.

Commissioners will consider redirecting funding to the Nye County Regional Economic Development Authority (NCREDA).

A resolution in support of the Agriculture Economic Target Industry Sector Report is on the agenda.

An update will be given on the Nevada Land Management Task Force, commissioned by the last Legislature, to draw a plan requesting the transfer of federal lands to the state.

Commissioners will consider bids for 150,000 tons of type two gravel for Pahrump road projects and 10,000 tons for the Beatty and Amargosa Valley area.

Two names will be submitted to the governor’s office for consideration for three-year terms on the State Land Use Planning Advisory Council (SLUPAC). The board will also consider appointing a member to the Nye County Water District, to replace a member who is resigning.

A State Alien Criminal Assistance Program grant will be up for approval to reimburse the county for housing undocumented aliens. A Department of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership Act grant will also be up for approval, to replace old ballistic vests.

Nye County Room Tax audit underway

Professional auditor looking into waived late payments by transient lodging establishments.

Letters to the Editor

There’s been quite a few politicians, pundits, and media people shouting “When is Trump going to bring down the price of eggs?”