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Utilities Inc. offering water bill credits

Utilities Inc. is willing to give customers credit on their water bill as part of a water conservation plan that went into effect on March 19.

Credits of up to $100 for “watersense” toilets; $75 for Energy Star washing machines; and up to $300 for the removal of Tamarisk or salt cedar trees are being issued providing the criteria for each type of credit is being met.

Any single family or multi-family customer with four or less units and located within the service territory can qualify.

The water-saver toilets are worth $50 each or half of the purchase price. The total cost of the toilet does not include tax or shipping costs. Only the selling price will be used. The limit is two per household/condominium/unit.

High-efficiency toilets use no more than 1.28 gallons of water per flush. Pre-1994 water closets use three-and-a-half gallons per flush. A new toilet could save 1,440 gallons per year.

Be sure your purchase carries the “Watersense” label. They are available at most hardware and bathroom supply stores.

You will need a copy of the receipt and if it doesn’t give the name and model number on that receipt, be sure to save all packaging labels and stickers.

The same holds true for the Energy Star washing machines which use 40 percent less water. The $75 credit is applied against the cost of the equipment and the credits do not apply to toilets and washing machines purchased used.

Tamarisk trees or salt cedars are drought tolerant mainly due to tap roots which can extend to 30 feet deep. They exploit water from the underground reservoirs and deposit salts in the soil which prevent other foliage from growing.

Although ground water levels won’t increase, further depletion can be avoided.

Tamarisks are worth $75 each to your water bill and the utility will pay up to $300 for removal. Local landscapers will contract and advise on removal.

A receipt for removal work must accompany the application.

Bill credits will not be transferred from the location of water savings to another account, even if both service addresses are in the name of the same customer or owned by the same person.

If any application contains any material misstatement or misrepresentation on such undersigned’s behalf, or if the undersigned breaches any of such terms or conditions, Utilities Inc. expects to be repaid.

For information on locating high-efficiency toilets or Energy Star washing machines visit www.uiwater.com.

Be sure the application is submitted within 60 days of installation or tree removal to qualify.

All applications for the water bill credits can be found at www.uiwater.com/water_ed/nevada_water_conservation.php, along with a “FAQS” page for each credit type and a list of terms and conditions.

All applications should be mailed to: Utilities, Inc., 1240 E. State St., Suite 115, Pahrump, NV 89048. Attn: Bill Credit.

To be sure you have met criteria for bill credits call 866-277-5515.

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Letters to the Editor

There’s been quite a few politicians, pundits, and media people shouting “When is Trump going to bring down the price of eggs?”