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Hee: Kids running around at high school games; Oh my

Whatever happened to parents watching kids? Does that happen these days? I see this all the time. The parent is there, but ignores his or her kids!

You’re sitting down watching a game at the high school. Let’s say it’s a football game. The crowds at our football games are rather large. Most of the time we have capacity crowds.

You’re sitting in the second row and all of a sudden this kid starts running around, stops in front of you and blocks your view and you miss the winning touchdown. What is going on?

This has been a problem at a lot of games but it is rampant at the Pahrump football games. Where are the parents? And what does the school do about it?

Well apparently, the parents don’t care if their kids are running amok, blocking other fans. But the school cares.

The school said they have hired extra security during the football games and are constantly telling kids not to run around.

Parents need to get a grip on their kids. For one, running around those stands can be a danger to others and to the kids. Unfortunately I think that is what it will take for the parents to see the light.

Hey, and this is a hint, handing a kid a $1,000 cell phone is not parental supervision and if you don’t believe me, come to the game and sit with me and I will prove it to you.

Mark my words, some poor kid will take a header either off the stands or hit his head on one of the benches.

And of course when I brought this up to some parents they poo-pooed me and said, “Come on Vern, you can’t expect our kids to sit down for three hours. It’s a school for gosh sakes, they need to run around.”

Another mother commented that she knew who the kids were running around. She said it was the junior Trojans football members. They come to watch the Trojans play every game. I am not attacking Pop Warner, just passing on what one parent’s opinion is. I agree though that they get rowdy once in awhile. I have seen it with my own eyes, but I am glad they get to watch the game. So a little better supervision will go a long way there.

OK, I said my piece. I would like to hear your solution to the problem, so drop me an email.


I am a big Dodger fan and will be listening to Vin Scully this year. For those who are not Dodger fans and have no clue who Scully is, well, he probably is the most knowledgeable broadcaster of the sport and the best-ever announcer. How can anyone beat 59 straight years of broadcasting for the same team!

He was named as “baseball’s all-time best broadcaster,” in his 59th season as the “Voice of the Dodgers.” The Hall of Famer’s 59 years of consecutive service with the Dodgers is the longest of any current sports broadcaster with one team.

To listen to him call a game is truly to die for if you are a baseball fan. I listened to him throughout my childhood and he would just have you at the edge of your seat every game.

I remember taking my radio to bed with me and putting it on low, because we had no headphones back then. And while I was supposed to be sleeping, I would stay up and listen to his golden voice. If you have never listened to him call a game, do so for this is his last year.

Contact sports editor Vern Hee at vhee@pvtimes.com

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