Nye Sheriff’s Deputy Joe McGill leads incumbent Sharon Wehrly with 63 percent of the votes so far. Wehrly’s two terms have been marred by several controversies revealed by the media.
The 9th Annual Pahrump Balloon Festival is all set to float into town this weekend and with it will come three days of fun and amusement that are sure to please the whole family.
Nye County Sheriff’s Office supervisors Lt. Adam Tippetts, Sgt. Corey Fowles and deputies Michael Cleveland and Allen Lynn are claiming in a class-action lawsuit that they faced retaliation under Sheriff Sharon Wehrly and Capt. David Boruchowitz, after voicing support for the sheriff’s political rival in this year’s election.
Deputies say the suspect told them he was on meth and hadn’t slept for five days, according to a NCSO report.
“When I pulled back the sheet, approximately 20 flies were flying out of a large pile of clothing approximately 5-foot tall,” a Nye County deputy wrote in his report.
Results will likely be delayed because of mail ballots, hand counting
A judge dismissed a domestic violence case against a Nye commissioners, but the prosecutor intends to refile the case once witnesses respond to subpeonas to testify.
Nye County Public Works Director Tom Bolling and his road crews have been quite busy over the last year, with a variety of repair, maintenance and improvement projects addressing an array of streets throughout the county. To keep the public and county officials apprised of what is happening, Bolling provided the Nye County Commission with an update on current and future projects during its Tuesday, Nov. 1 meeting.
Pahrump Valley Fire and Rescue Services crews responded to several serious calls for service over the past week.
The program will support the financing of single-family units, townhomes, condos and manufactured homes converted to real property, as well as two- and four-unit properties so long as the applicant will use one of the units as their primary residence.
The Nye County District Attorney’s Office says it has substantially increased the number of counts in the criminal complaints against Vasily Platunov and Oksana Higgins, the kennel operators accused in one of the county’s biggest animal torture cases.
The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with a condition known as Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage, which is the result of poorly controlled long-standing hypertension and has been hospitalized since Aug. 23.
More individuals and families are now eligible for health insurance on the Silver State Health Insurance exchange.
Nye County officials vowed to reshape their plan and seek another go-ahead from the state Supreme Court after justices ruled that counting methods used violated rules they set.
It causes large abscesses to form on the chest region of a horse or under the belly.