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Wildland fire dispatching positions available

Wildland fire dispatching positions available

Wildland fire dispatching positions with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management in Nevada are open now through February.

Base hourly pay ranges from $16.20 to $22.45 per hour. Additional positions will be advertised in the coming weeks. The links to the job announcements can be found at www.nevadafireinfo.org/all-us-citizens.

Information on the hiring process and wildland firefighting can be found at www.firejobs.doi.gov

Applicants must be U.S. citizens, have a valid passport or birth certificate and a valid driver’s license, and be at least 18 years old, the BLM said in its news release.

The work is primarily performed in an office setting, but demands long hours of sitting and irregular shifts. Those who are hired will be seasonally employed from approximately April through October, depending on the duty station.

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