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Assistance still available for rental, utility assistance

The Nevada Rural Housing Authority reported in mid-September that the organization still had funding available for renters seeking assistance for past due rent and utility bills for qualifying applicants in the rural part of the state.

NRHA is now accepting applications for its CHAP program, which has emergency rental and utility assistance for tenants in Nevada’s 15 rural counties, including Nye and Esmeralda counties.

According to a release from NRHA, tenants who have had a reduction, or loss, of income due to COVID-19 are encouraged to apply to the program. Landlords are able to initiate the application process on their tenant’s behalf.

NRHA states in a release that rental assistance can cover up to a year of rent and utilities that are past due; any past due balances will be paid before any future payments, the agency states.

But assistance is available for rent going forward as well for eligible tenants.

Landlords can start the application process on behalf of their tenants by going to NVRural.org/COVID

Tenants can also visit the same website to apply for assistance.

“Tenants experiencing a reduction in or loss of income due to COVID-19 can get assistance on delinquent rent payments and rent payments in the future for anticipated losses of income,” NRHA states in a release. “Assistance can also cover payments such as late fees, security deposits, application fees, hotel costs, utilities and internet fees.”

NRHA must verify a tenant’s income, and applicants must provide proof of COVID-19-related losses. The list of acceptable situations, though not exhaustive, includes a reduction in work hours, loss of employment, being furloughed from employment during a stay-at-home order or a reduction of income due to reduced business income.

Applicants can also call NRHA at its dedicated Cares Housing Assistance Program at 775-302-5090 0r at 833-328-0288.

For information on the CHAP program in Clark or Washoe counties, separate from the other rural program, head to HTTP://chap.clarkcountynv.gov or HTTP://www.renoha.org/chap

NRHA serves Nevada’s 15 rural counties and the rural portions of Clark and Washoe counties and assists with homeownership programs, rental services, community development initiatives and an exclusive weatherization program.

Funding for the rental and utility assistance program comes from Title V of the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act.

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